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== November 3, 2016 ==
=== Micropublication update ===
== December 1, 2016 ==
* First Nemametrix micro in for WS257
* Two lined up for WS258
* Karen and Daniela in touch with e-publishing platforms (HighWire [http://home.highwire.org], Collaborative knowledge foundation[http://coko.foundation]), to set up collaborations for the Micropublication: biology e-journal [http://www.micropublicationbiology.org]
* Discussing putting worm breeder's gazette articles into micropublications
* Collaborative knowledge foundation is a non-profit publisher, some former member of Highwire
* Would be good to have a faster way to display micropublications (standard WB pipeline needs at least 4 months)
** Could use content management systems (CMSs)
* Maybe will propose a workshop for the 2017 international ''C. elegans'' meeting
=== Intellectual (Person) Lineage ===
* Example page: http://tazendra.caltech.edu/~azurebrd/cgi-bin/forms/worm_lineage.cgi?action=lineage&twonumber=two363
* Example: http://tazendra.caltech.edu/~azurebrd/cgi-bin/forms/worm_lineage.cgi?action=lineage&twonumber=two625
* Still a stand alone page
* Will make live once incorporated feedback
* Will display as widget on a WBPerson page
* May want to display or point to the lineage display on WB homepage
* Data relies on self-reporting connections
* Not entirely clear what the direction of the arrows means
* Can click and hold on a node to open up the graph for that person
* Help documentation still needs to be written up
=== Tim Schedl visiting WB tomorrow ===
* Will come to WB CIT around 11:30am
== November 10, 2016 ==
=== Update from AGR portal use case working group ===
* Preparing document for the Dec. 6th leadership meeting
* Need to address several questions about prototype development process
* Communication has been insufficient, leading to a lag in use case implementation and possibly off-target expectations
* Working group would like to know:
** What are the boundaries of responsibility for the use case working group?
** Will there be a data integration working group to collect data as required for a use case?
** What group or groups does the use case working group need to hand off tasks to?
** What overall decisions about technologies need to be made about AGR before implementing use cases?
* Working on an idea to show comparisons between transcript and protein isoforms
* Would be great to be able to have a common display of phenotypes, using a ribbon-style and a standard ontology slim
=== Person Lineage graph ===
* current view [http://juancarlos.wormbase.org/resources/person/WBPerson363#02--10 Low complexity person], [http://juancarlos.wormbase.org/resources/person/WBPerson625#02--10 High complexity person]
* ~31,000 orphans in DB; ~14,000 orphans with an email address
* Do we need to distinguish between "real" WB people and those simply created as a co-author?
* Will email ~14,000 people to ask them to provide person connections
=== Micropublications ===
* Karen and Daniela spoke to person at HighWire
* Working on publication platform, getting cost estimates
* Met with people at Collaborative Knowledge Foundation
* Similar in scope to HighWire, but have more modern software
* Will probably write a grant together with Collaborative Knowledge Foundation
* Also planning to apply for a Big Data to Knowledge grant
* Added two pubications from nemametrix, adding one more today
* Need a window of time to handle submissions given the turn around time for reviewers
* "Data not shown" references could be handled as micropublication
* Tim Schedl suggested doing a workshop at the 2017 IWM for micropublications
** The Future of Scholarly Communication
** Who else would be involved? GSA (WormBook, G3)? JoVE?
=== Wild isolate library (Erik Anderson) ===
* CeNDR (C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource)
* https://elegansvariation.org/
* Want to have links out to their database from WormBase
* WormBase already has 250 strains; many more that are not in WB
* Has 342 strains in total
* They would like to have integrated views of their database in WB; may be too difficult to have an integrated view
* WB will take in all of their strains
* CGC has most but not all of their strains
* Can discuss on next WB site-wide call
=== WormBase IWM Workshop ===
* Ranjana will send in a workshop proposal
=== 2017 IWM ===
* What do we want to communicate/emphasize about WormBase at the 2017 IWM?
* Maybe explain and discuss AGR; what it means to our users
* What do we want to ask our user community for?
== November 17, 2016 ==
*lineage tool good for featuring in AGR
*AGR curator call - SGD simpler, fewer datatype, impressed with triaging and organization of paper curation prioritization, curation is paper-by-paper, author response form is minimal - no specific author comments captured, just check boxes
*SGD moving spell to the cloud, and will give us an amazon image, into which we will be able to load WB data
*Caltech has an amazon cloud already for use for SPELL, but not enough for all our data
*SPELL built locally on textpresso, once built, data loaded up; users download a lot
*Post GO meeting
Pascal, David Hill and Kimberly piloting a pathway annotation - looking at PAINT annotations to create templates for curation of the signaling pathway in NOCTUA and look for ontology and other issues that need to be addressed - using the TOR pathway, will be useful in the AGR
*Strain requests will be sent from disease OA to Mary Ann
*Strains included in nightly_genace.pl
*Next Thursday = Thanksgiving
*AGR meeting Dec 6, Paul S.

Revision as of 16:49, 1 December 2016