WormBase-Caltech Weekly Calls January 2016
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January 7, 2016
SAB 2016
- Schedule for Caltech talks:
- SAB wiki: http://wiki.wormbase.org/index.php/2016_Advisory_Board_Meeting#Organisation_of_SAB_talks
- Mary Ann, Chris, and Ranjana will discuss how to condense and streamline a presentation on community curation
- We should have a talk about LEGO curation and pathways; Kimberly happy to present
- LEGO adoption can be made cross-MOD and encourage collaboration
- Maybe move micropublication talk to the end of the day; it will generate a lot of discussion; will try earlier in the day, 5 min talk, 5 min discussion before longer discussion
- Maybe include discussion of expression summary description in Gary Williams talk about large scale expression data and visualization
Expression summaries
- We want to consolidate large-scale expression data into a human-readable summary
- Would be good to consolidate large-scale and small-scale expression data
- We will adapt anatomical expression data for the SObA graph in future
Phenotype form
- Now on sandbox, allows for RNAi transgene data
- Will finish up, write documentation and make live
- Will continue to send out e-mail requests
E-Merge Tech outsourcing
- Company called Chris asking if we would want them to curate for us
- Website: http://www.e-mergeglobal.com/
- Will send them some phenotype curation for some papers and ask them to curate new papers, as a pilot
- They will give us a cost estimate after a free pilot
- Will see if it is cost-effective; good to know what they charge
January 14, 2016
- Sent out slides for an overview talk of LEGO and the Noctua curation tool. (Kimberly)
Collecting info for SAB
- Chris would like to collect summaries of curation progress over last year in a Google Doc
- Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S8EjL20owW07RH9kIi8HbnTAtP5JierliBuyOo2oDVc/edit
- Would be good to include progress on various projects or curation efforts (or curation changes)
- Next week at group meeting we can review and decide what should be presented as the overview for curation to the SAB
January 21, 2016
- Agenda items for literature curation overview
- Todd will discuss outreach; Chris will talk to Todd about Caltech plans for outreach
- Cataloging web usage on WB site, SPELL, etc.
- We can discuss hosting all WB services and tools under the same web domain
Phenotype form
- New phenotype form is live: http://tazendra.caltech.edu/~azurebrd/cgi-bin/forms/allele_phenotype.cgi
- We should point out response rate and paper coverage for community curation
- How long can we expect to complete curation for phenotype with current pipelines
- Can request PIs to check coverage of their allele phenotypes
- We want this to lead to development of pathways
The Allied Genetics Conference, Orlando, July 2016
- WB needs to decide who will go
- Intermine project will have their own room
- MODs will present together
January 28, 2016
SAB talks
- Literature curation overview
- General publication trends for C. elegans and data types
- Our coverage, backlogs, outreach and curation efforts
- Automated paper flagging and data identification (Karen)
- SVM pipeline, keyword/string matching, data extraction
- Automated gene descriptions (Ranjana)
- Manual writing doesn't scale (currently ~5000 descriptions)
- Amenable to automation (pulling together primary data for descriptions)
- Mention gene description form
- Community annnotation numbers (Mary Ann & Chris)
- Other MODs efforts
- WB submission forms and pilot response rates
- Micropublications
- Incentivizing community contributions
- Micropublication form
- How data is displayed on WormBase
- What it is, how it's different, why it's important
- Priorities for LEGO models: signaling pathways, development, human disease biology (signal transduction, cilia pathology, etc.)
- SObA
- WB uses ontologies extensively, many annotations
- Need an easy-to-consume data display
- Have WOBr
- Convention is to provide list format of data display, e.g. mouse expression summary
- SObA: intuitive summary view of ontology annotations from gene perspective
- Ontology trimmed to display only relevant ontology terms
- What do we not have a talk about:
- Human disease curation
- SPELL/modSeek
- Metabolite curation
- Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uvSIIecWTmVjhUPA8f4FHIECSTJhloy8Z2ocujx96Uw/edit