WormBase-Caltech Weekly Calls 2009
From WormBaseWiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchJune 11, 2009
- Discussion of allele-paper connections
- Jolene has a Textpresso-based pipeline for identifying alleles in papers
- Alleles get associated with a paper if there is phenotypic or molecular data
- List of all alleles associated with a paper could possibly be passed on to Sanger for subsequent connection
- Discussion of gene-paper connections
- What criteria should be used for associating genes with papers?
- Currently being associated manually by a curator during first-pass
- Could Textpresso be harnessed for this task?
- There are different evidences attached to gene-paper connections
- Genes associated with a paper via Textpresso searches could be presented to the first-pass curator for approval in the first-pass form
- Need to fix current abstract-gene associating script to include proteins (e.g. PIE-1)
- Incorporate a customized Textpresso query on WormBase object pages so users could look for additional info if they want
- Data type curator could help design a useful query
- Other gene-object connections
- Develop a canned query for all objects that should be associated with the gene page
- Worm Meeting
- Pre-meeting - meeting rooms?
- Pre-meeting - practice talks for WormBase workshop
- Storage for swag - pavillion should be okay
June 18, 2009
- Worm Meeting and Pre-Meeting
- WormBase Help Desk Schedule - set for worm meeting
- Wen may need help carrying boxes of swag
- Do any Sanger or WashU people need rides to UCLA?
- Mary Alvarez is working on finding rooms for the pre-meeting
- Be prepared to report on curation status of your data type and what we might need
- Author contact information on first-pass form
- email goes to the first email address found by Textpresso
- Raymond - we do care where this data comes from
- Erich - can we send it to the designated corresponding author
- first-pass curation could capture the corresponding author
- if the email didn't go to the corresponding author, it may affect our response rate
- two-stage approach proposal
- respond to Bernard - we'll try to find corresponding author in the future and add his name to the comments field for now
- going forward, how best to determine corresponding author?
- keep track of IP address from which the data was sent?
- add text to email saying that authors may include their contact information in the comments box, if they wish
- Raymond will proof-read papers to check on corresponding author designation and email addresses
- Zfin visit - PATO progress, worth looking at
- Erich noted no genome browser - what is the issue?
- Their experience with getting figures from journals might be helpful.