WormBase-Caltech Weekly Calls
From WormBaseWiki
Previous Years
2021 Meetings
September 2, 2021
1. Moving forward with Alliance-friendly Person pages for community curation/authorship tracking
Needed for
- AFP community curation
- microPublication author tracking for all species
- stub of person Alliance model already exists made by Adam
- this is not an Alliance-wide interest for tracking their communities person; however, Alliance is not against person pages, just not supportive of developing this class into the many ways it will be useful for us and our communities
- need to do this outside of Alliance
- Paul talks to zfin about interest in person pages
- Juancarlos talks to Cecilia -need to know important elements to make author to person connection for biolink schema
- Daniela and Karen invite PomBase to start harmonizing a person model, will send all Alliance an invite
Will do
- create biolink model based on current WB model
- Adam will add tables when we have them
2. Need to make sure CenGen stuff is included in this next release - need to request Todd to delay release until Adam returns from vacation to deal with it.