WormBase-Caltech Weekly Calls

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September 1, 2016

Working group discussions

  • More clear about issues surrounding orthology sets
  • ZFIN has protein curation that may be becoming a bit out of date

Single-cell RNA profiling

  • We've been curating some data, but not clear how to display the data
  • Some data sets, like tiling arrays, might conclude genes that are expressed in a cell/tissue
  • Genes that are detected at convincing levels (present call) in cell/tissue
  • Should we display expression data that we do not (or cannot) update differently from other data
  • Simply: is a gene in a cell/tissue or not; is it enriched in a cell/tissue or not
  • Could capture quantitative assessments; transcripts per million, etc.
  • Should we provide an analysis of raw data to users to perform their own comparative analyses
  • Bob Goldstein's group prepared software tools in their paper; could we make use of them?
  • Big question: how do we handle divergent (expression) data?
  • David (Angeles) working on an expression data analysis pipeline
  • Single-cell RNA-Seq data: should it be merged with expression pattern data? Ideally, yes
  • There's difficulty in reconciling small and large datasets (or different data types)
  • Would we want to apply some type of weighting to each type of evidence for a gene-anatomy association, for example
  • In general for expression, it would be great to consolidate data to directly connect genes to anatomy/life stage

September 8, 2016

TransgeneOme import (Daniela)

  • adding a Community_curator tag or Curator tag in the Expression model to acknowledge the community curators that annotated/will annotate the data.
  • for the records- documentation on the import here: http://wiki.wormbase.org/index.php/TransgeneOme_import
  • Daniela and Juancarlos worked on parsing large JSON import
  • Data is dynamic: people can add images and annotations; will be updated every WormBase release
  • Do we want to import the person that created the annotation via the TransgeneOme project?
    • Maybe, but should be free text instead of a modeled tag for WBPersons (Raymond)
    • It is likely sufficient to point WB users to the TransgeneOme annotation, without explicitly referencing the contributor

Phenotype assay model proposal (Chris)

  • Trying to create a model that can accommodate complex genotypes and make querying phenotype experimental data easier
  • Want to co-opt an existing, unused model ?Phenotype_assay to encapsulate details of an experiment
  • Proposal is to pull several tags from ?RNAi and #Phenotype_info into the ?Phenotype_assay class
  • Remaining tags in ?RNAi could be used to hold RNAi mapping information
  • Remaining rags in #Phenotype_info can be used to describe the nature of an allele in the context of a phenotype, or nature of phenotype (Ease of scoring)
  • Maybe should keep penetrance, quality and EQ annotations in #Phenotype_info so as to provide detail for each phenotype when multiple phenotypes are used
  • It is currently difficult to recreate a phenotype annotation made by a curator using the OA, as so much experimental detail is captured exclusively in the hash

September 15, 2016

Strain curation with disease

  • People create transgenic strains for modeling human disease
  • We currently only curate strains in CGC (where we get our strain list)
  • Other strains have been added via direct communication with Mary Ann
  • Ranjana would like to capture strains affecting human disease from the literature
  • Many strains not available in WormBase
  • Is it worth curating these other strains? Yes; one concern that we would be diluting the quality of existing strains
  • Big concern is whether or not the strain(s) are available
  • (Raymond) Two aspects of strain curation: 1) strains that are available (e.g. from CGC) 2) carrier of genotype to use for other curation (like disease)
  • (Raymond) We could just capture genotype as free text
  • Would be best to curate the strains, regardless of availability