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== May 5, 2015 ==
=== Tissue enrichment tool ===
== June 2, 2016 ==
* Some slight modifications have been made
* Raymond/Juancarlos request testing
* Made adjustments to gene name handling
* Tool could go live for the next release
* Data will remain frozen at WS252
=== Gene summaries ===
=== Topic 1 ===
* Paul asked Norbert about gene descriptions
* FB has been getting good community response for contributing gene descriptions
* Automation still sounds like the right way to go
* Ranjana will look at summaries at other MOD sites
=== Phenotype display ===
* MGI/MGD had a graph display of phenotype ontology (Paul S.)
* Made phenotype ontology slim for the summary heatmaps
* How do all of the MODs display phenotypes?
=== Progress reports ===
* Curators can write a paragraph on innovation
** Community curation (report numbers)
** WOBr
** SObA
** Automated descriptions
** Micropublications
=== Curation pipeline comparisons ===
* Would be nice to compare how MODs prioritize curation, triage papers, etc.
* How many MODs curate paper-by-paper (for all datatypes at once) vs. our method, by datatype?
** WB & MGI curate by datatype, most others by paper (for all datatypes)
* How are all MODs doing in terms of paper coverage?
** Do we need more manual effort, more automation? How much, given cost of each?
=== SPELL ===
* SGD uses SPELL but does not develop
== May 12, 2016 ==
===Communication tools for umod teams===
*Mike Cherry set up Stanford umod-project- email lists for the different umod groups, PIs, software developers, and curators
**note: if you signup for a digest, you will receive e-mails from the list on a different time scale than people who didn't choose 'digest'
*Slack is back, download the app and look umod-project. You can also visit https://umod-project.slack.com/.
**Browse the channels and join the ones that you want.
**Create any new channel, it seems there is no limit to the channels that can be created.
*Suzi Lewis will be setting up a github account for project tracking and wiki pages
=== Human Disease working group meeting ===
* Next Monday and Tuesday, in Kerckhoff 024
* Curators will review data models for human disease at each site
* Brainstorming session for future plans
* Possibility of molecule-disease interactions ("exacerbated by", "ameliorated by")
=== Metabolomics ===
* Wen came across metabolic profiling papers while looking for proteomics papers
* Wen will send to Karen, who is managing metabolites as part of molecule class
* BIGG database, a new metabolite database (http://bigg.ucsd.edu/)
=== Progress Report ===
* Send Paul progress report blurbs in next week (by Thursday)
=== Cross MOD call ===
* Reviewed FlyBase and Rat Genome Database this week
* Will review SGD and MGI next week
* Suzi Lewis asking about Intermine instances; what can Mine do that the Base cannot, and vice versa?
* Other MODs have more fully functional and fully populated InterMine instances
* Agenda and Minutes: http://bit.ly/1NXuBVD
* Schedule and Topic signup: http://bit.ly/243UNL2
=== FraqMine/SimpleMine ===
* http://tazendra.caltech.edu/~azurebrd/cgi-bin/forms/fraqmine.cgi
* We want to make the tool available to users, maybe under Tools menu
* Will need to discuss with Todd (Paul sending email)
=== Micropublications ===
*BioCADDIE developers are currently working on indexing datasets requested by the NIH for inclusion in a June 30 Prototype test. After then they will reach out to us to look into the WormData (micropublication) indexing.
== May 19, 2016 ==
=== Dead genes in FraqMine? ===
* User asked for gene IDs for dead genes from list of sequence IDs
* FraqMine/SimpleMine does not currently accept/return dead genes
* Juancarlos will make changes to script to add an additional column indicating that a gene is dead, after Wen changes the source files to include the data
=== Community curation request delay ===
* Currently we wait 3 months before sending additonal community curation requests to authors
* Considering making delay only 1 month or less; opinions?
* Most annotations come within a week of a request
* One month is probably good
* Should we send list of alleles to lab heads with annotated phenotypes?
* Show community curated alleles/annotations on WB homepage?
* Show top 20 community curators on WB homepages?
* Make use of the "Activity" widget on homepage? Replace random page with community contributions?
=== Citace upload ===
* June 28th, 10am
=== uMOD Phenotype call ===
* Today 11am Pacific
* Join BlueJeans call: https://bluejeans.com/626771895
* To be discussed at NHGRI meeting next Monday & Tuesday
=== Distinctions between Human Disease curation and Phenotype curation? ===
* WB and other MODs have been curating phenotype and human disease separately
* Some consider phenotypes and disease as the same (Monarch perspective)
* We should consider the extent to which these overlap and are distinct
=== Human Disease meeting ===
* People are looking for commonalities
* Disease Ontology is a good starting point of commonality
* Agreement to curate experimental models
* UMOD Disease portal: search for a gene and get links to each individual MOD
* DBs should serve a disease data file
** WB has gene-disease association file
* Sources of disease files: OMIM, Medic(?), etc.
* MIM-to-gene file
* Query tools: what should they look like? What kind of results?
** Simple table views as results
* UMOD disease detail report page ideas
* Want to consider relations to molecules/chemicals ("modifiers")
** Exacerbates, ameliorates, is a therapeutic for
* Drug-induced models
* Disease strains/genotypes, how to handle
* Should disease curation expand to capturing alleles/genotypes/strains?
** We can, going forward
=== Objectifying Genotypes ===
* Increasingly, we are encountering needs to objectify genotypes
* We have strain objects, although strains are not always specified in papers
* We could potentially create strain objects that are named according to a paper ID
* This would enable us to capture certain phenotype and genetic interaction annotations
* We need to consider a strain's phenotype in relation to a control strain
* We already annotate phenotypes to transgenes while specifying the gene (in the transgene) that causes the phenotype
* It will be good for WB cuartors to hear from other MODs about how they handle this
* We can reconvene after today's phenotype call and focus on this discussion for future cross-MOD calls
* Created a wiki page for the in-house discussion, will bring in other mods once we have a clear understanding of what we want to do and what we need
== May 26, 2016 ==
=== Gene Name Changes widget on WB homepage ===
* Should go live for WS253 (this weekend)
* Will display changes to gene names
* Will make a blog post to announce
=== UMOD call next week: Phenotype curation ===
* Will discuss data associations made at each MOD
* Will discuss genetic entities annotated with phenotypes (genotypes, alleles, RNAi reagents)
* Will discuss use of phenotype ontologies vs. entity-quality PATO annotations
* Should consider/dicsuss environment/condition
* Chris will contact other presenters with topic guide
=== UMOD weekly curator call ===
* Could be a forum for summarizing working group discussions
=== Biological Ontologies & BioCreative meeting ===
* http://icbo.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/
* August 1-4, 2016
* Oregon State University
* Chris Mungall will give tutorial on ontology development
* Raymond has been in contact with Chris about cell ontology
* Raymond has been trying to "owl-ize" the anatomy ontology
* We could gain advantages by using OWL format for our ontologies
* We want to understand OWL and Protege
* We'll want to create a UMOD ontology working group
=== TAGC coloring book ===
* Have worm facts incorporated
* Need to include rat info
* Cost depends on publisher
* Up to 30 pages, currently
* Including data for 7 MODs
=== NHGRI meeting ===
* NIH people are happy about UMOD collaboration
* Question: what are we NOT going to do?
* What needs fundraising? e.g. neural circuits, metabolite curation
* Short term: create working groups and discuss
* Micropublications, GSA pipeline, author interactions/community annotation, toxicology; new ventures to think about as UMOD
* WB curators can develop it and then share with others
* Do MODs curate from bio-archives (preprints)? No, only peer-reviewed articles
=== Micropublications ===
* BioCaddie trying to develop new DataMed, data indexing
* Micropublications could be indexed by DataMed and/or PubMed
* What are requirements for PubMed? Need to collect some minimum number of publications (~50-100?) intitally
* Indexing by Google Scholar?
* 3-year projection; where do we want it to be?
=== Curation methods ===
* How to various MODs curate? by paper vs. by datatype?
* Will we need to move to a paper-by-paper curation approach? Not necessarily
* What is the curation tool of the future? Needs to be flexible
* How many core yet independent databases will be in use?
* Over time we may migrate over to some other system
=== WS253 in Datomic ===
* Datomic query tool available

Revision as of 15:32, 2 June 2016