WormBase-Caltech Weekly Calls
From WormBaseWiki
Previous Years
2021 Meetings
April 1, 2021
- Alignment of the antibody class to Alliance:
- Propose to move possible_pseudonym (192) and Other_animal (37) to remarks. Those tags are not currently used for curation.
- Other animal is sometimes used for older annotations, e.g. authors say that the antibodies were raised both in rats and rabbits. Standard practice would create 2 records, one for the rat antibody and one for the rabbit.
- Possible pseudonym was used when a curator was not able to unambiguously assign a previous antibody to a record. (we have a Other name -synonym- tag to capture unambiguous ones). When moving to remarks we can keep a controlled vocabulary for easy future parsing, e.g. “possible_pseudonym:”
- Antigen field: currently separated into Protein, peptide, and other_antigen (e.g.: homogenate of early C.elegans embryos, sperm). Propose to use just one antigen field to capture antigen info.
- Propose to move possible_pseudonym (192) and Other_animal (37) to remarks. Those tags are not currently used for curation.
textpress-dev clean up
- Michael has asked curators to assess what they have on textpresso-dev as it will not be around forever :-(
- is it okay to transfer data and files we want to keep to tazendra? and then to our own individual machines?