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Line 93: Line 93:
*Daniela can/should coordinate with Wen for microarray/tiling array data/quantitative expression data
*Daniela can/should coordinate with Wen for microarray/tiling array data/quantitative expression data
*Does the text entry need to be indexed (?Text vs Text) for DB_info?
*Does the text entry need to be indexed (?Text vs Text) for DB_info?
=== Cataloging controlled vocabularies used in OA and models ===
*Karen generated Wiki page: http://wiki.wormbase.org/index.php/OA_forms,_tables,_scripts,_etc#OA_form_dropdown_lists
*Tables list Postgres tables and OA forms and the controlled vocabularies (drop down values that dump to Text fields in the .ACE file)
*Paul Davis wanted a list of all of the controlled vocabularies we use during curation
*We will want to create a Wiki page that clearly outlines a model-change protocol that people should follow when changing models and refer to this page
Line 101: Line 108:
*We want to establish a graded spectrum of confidence for each pathway component/annotation/edge
*We want to establish a graded spectrum of confidence for each pathway component/annotation/edge
*Confidence or rigor of annotation can span across evidence types: Review reference only (low score), review figure/table, primary research evidence article, primary research evidence figure/table within article, WormBase data object (e.g. interaction, etc.) (high score)
*Confidence or rigor of annotation can span across evidence types: Review reference only (low score), review figure/table, primary research evidence article, primary research evidence figure/table within article, WormBase data object (e.g. interaction, etc.) (high score)
=== Cataloging controlled vocabularies used in OA and models ===
*Karen generated Wiki page: http://wiki.wormbase.org/index.php/OA_forms,_tables,_scripts,_etc#OA_form_dropdown_lists
*Tables list Postgres tables and OA forms and the controlled vocabularies (drop down values that dump to Text fields in the .ACE file)
*Paul Davis wanted a list of all of the controlled vocabularies we use during curation
*We will want to create a Wiki page that clearly outlines a model-change protocol that people should follow when changing models and refer to this page

Revision as of 19:18, 10 October 2013

Previous Years

2009 Meetings

2011 Meetings

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2013 Meetings










October 3, 2013

Development environment for Raymond

  • Todd is working on it; will do today

NAR Manuscript

  • Todd will send around for comments today

WormBase Ontology Browser (WOBr)

  • We have a stable server for the information the browser queries: gene ontology associations, gene association files
  • Raymond was trying to keep up with the AMIGO 2 development upgrades
  • Raymond will soon be getting other ontology info into the browser
  • Takes about an hour to load data into the browser

Movie objects stored as URLs

  • There are 209 RNAi objects referencing 513 movies via URLs
  • The URLs are for RNAi.org pages that have the movies; we don't have the movie files themselves
  • Daniela will add a Database tag to the ?Movie class
  • URL suffixes/endings will act as the RNAi.org Accession number that will go into the respective Movie objects

Movie curation

  • Movie files are stored on Canopus
  • Anyone importing new movies will need to get their movies into the appropriate directories on Canopus
  • Currently movie files are all from three large scale movie datasets, so names are currently unique
  • Daniela will now sort movies according to WBPaper ID or WBPerson ID (depending on the source) and place them in directories accordingly
  • Movie files will then be organized according to these directories as ?Picture objects are already

Changing "Biological Process" to "Biological Topic"

  • Changing the class name in the web code is laborious and not good practice
  • We will keep the ?WBProcess class name, but only refer to them as "Biological Topics" on the website
  • A comment will be added to the models.wrm file explaining the discrepancy

Database OA

  • Karen and Juancarlos will construct a ?Database class OA
  • Curators can enter new databases or edit existing databases there
  • There is a static file for the web code that provides URL constructors for links out to those databases and their objects
  • In the past, the file has been manually updated to accommodate new databases or updates to URLs, for example
  • There needs to be a mechanism in place to edit or replace the file to correspond to the Database OA data

Unfolded Protein Response curation - Pilot topic curation

  • Already an ER UPR Stress WikiPathway and a Mitochondrial UPR WIkiPathway
  • Do we create one parent pathway/topic, or do we keep them separate?
  • As we work on a topic, we will assess how much material there is to cover and whether or not we need to be more specific (or more broad) in topic

October 10, 2013

?Expr_pattern and ?Movie model changes

  • Daniela was proposing changes to the models
  • Daniela can/should coordinate with Wen for microarray/tiling array data/quantitative expression data
  • Does the text entry need to be indexed (?Text vs Text) for DB_info?

Cataloging controlled vocabularies used in OA and models

  • Karen generated Wiki page: http://wiki.wormbase.org/index.php/OA_forms,_tables,_scripts,_etc#OA_form_dropdown_lists
  • Tables list Postgres tables and OA forms and the controlled vocabularies (drop down values that dump to Text fields in the .ACE file)
  • Paul Davis wanted a list of all of the controlled vocabularies we use during curation
  • We will want to create a Wiki page that clearly outlines a model-change protocol that people should follow when changing models and refer to this page


  • WormBase approval process needs to be flushed out
  • We can annotate edges in a pathway with text: references/citations, text from article, WormBase object referenes, etc.
  • We want to link all relevant WormBase objects to the pathway where possible
  • We want to establish a graded spectrum of confidence for each pathway component/annotation/edge
  • Confidence or rigor of annotation can span across evidence types: Review reference only (low score), review figure/table, primary research evidence article, primary research evidence figure/table within article, WormBase data object (e.g. interaction, etc.) (high score)

Topic curation: Unfolded Protein Response

  • Mitochondrial UPR pathway an official WormBase topic
  • Curator feedback: