WBConfCall 2017.01.05-Agenda and Minutes
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Agenda & Minutes
Minutes inline in each section
WormBase how-to articles
- We have agreed to submit a how-to articles for WormBase and ParaSite for Methods in Molecular Biology
- Hinxton will write the ParasSite one. Anyone want to lead the writing of the main WB one?
- I'm happy to - with help from my colleagues. Mary Ann
- Can we somehow leverage the work done on the WormBook chapters?
- Hinxton will write the ParasSite one. Anyone want to lead the writing of the main WB one?
Mary Ann and Chris will write the main WB one. Leveraging the work done on WormBook Chapters:
* Please state what was agreed (!) (missed this due to noise on call and confusion)
Global identifiers / RRID
(No text)
Paul Davis (PAD) detailed that:
* he'd been in communication with Aric and talked about confusion with the syntax, sought clarification * Hinxton are already providing data dumps for RRI to pick up
Raymond asked PAD for insight on how RRIDs are being used, Paul D replied:
* Searching for Elegans strains, summarises data provided by source(s) (eg: CGC?) * Portal provides links back to resource (e.g: WormBase)
PAD will be having a call with RRI next week.
Kevin queried the e-mail thread where Karen raised objection to the RRID scheme.
Karen explained the rationale for objections; group discussed at length. Main points were:
* Organisation behind RRID is commercial, questioned if RRID is in WB's best interests * Inclusion of "data class" in the identifier
This may be brought up on a future AGR call.
Biocurator Conference
- Stanford University, March 26-29, 2017 http://med.stanford.edu/biocuration.html
- Deadline for abstract submission for talk or poster is January 13, 2017
- should we submit a talk? Mary Ann
Please see WormBase-Caltech_Weekly_Calls
Help Desk
- #5255 Tree display of CB4856 strain.
Perhaps warrants further discussion; still issues on the live site. Question posited previously: Should we keep the Tree Display feature?
- Request from Iskra Katic to add Basel Worm Meeting on March 16th, 2017, in Basel, Switzerland to website
(email only, no github ticket)
Tree Display - please see git hub ticket.
Todd will action the request from Iskra Katic.