WBConfCall 2018.01.18-Agenda and Minutes
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Outstanding Help Desk issues
- 6091 how can i access the DNA sequences using matlab
Sibyl responded and closed the ticket.
Method of Molecular Biology chapter
Need proofing. Chris sent out the chapter and everyone should read it to make sure that their sections are correct. Email Chris if you see something wrong.
WormBase site visits
Wen gave a talk at San Diego Worm Club on Jan. 12. Summary was sent to the WormBase staff email list. Will be nice if Hinxton can go to some meetings in their area. Site visits is part of our grant application so the cost is not an issue. Here are the meetings that we are trying to cover: http://wiki.wormbase.org/index.php/Meetings#Upcoming_Meetings
FlyBase has a group of 200-300 testers for their new features.
WormBase SAB
possible in My or June 2018 in Toronto. We should probably include WormBase Parasite in the SAB meeting. (2016_Advisory_Board_Meeting)
Questions to SAB:
- What is the most pressing issue that the community want WormBase to address?
- How did our community change?
- What is their opinion on data completeness? Depth vs. Width?
- Is community curation working?
- Any feedback on the author first pass form?
- What are the most important datasets that the community need? So that we can import or link to them.