WBConfCall 2016.12.15-Agenda and Minutes
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Help Desk
- Thank you to everyone who helped answer queries.
- Seems like the BLAST/BLAT server is back up and running.
Models and WS258 Upload/Build
- Portal implementation working groups
- Google doc (see email for link)
- Curators / subject-matter-experts needed for each group (but not too many!)
- Orthology
- Pressure from the Orthology WG for WB to move to a once-per-year update cycle for gene models. What do people think?
New Starter
- Faye Rodgers has recently joined WormBase @ Sanger to work with parasites
Future Conference Calls
- Will switch to using GoToMeeting
- There will be local numbers for the calls, and people can dial in with their computer
- Please contact Raymond if you have any problems with this.
Help Desk Issues
- All caught up, but some question about whether or not a header for the BLAST/BLAT input is absolutely required
- Doesn't seem to be, but we're not sure what exactly was fixed, then to make it work again
WS258 Upload and Build
- Models will be made available tomorrow, December 16th
- Upload next month, citace will upload January 13th
- Aim to have portal in place by March 7th, the date of the SAB meeting
- More discussion about this on the AGR leadership call tomorrow
Orthology Working Group
- Paul T. - not enough compute resources to do PANTHER builds more than once a year
- Could WB move to a once-a-year gene model update to coincide with this schedule?
- Is there a way around this bottleneck for AGR, e.g. farm out the compute resources?
- Suggest meeting between Kevin, Paul T., Paul S., Paul K. to discuss this
- Would be nice not to have to downgrade release of WB gene models
- Want to keep orthology pipeline in place for nematodes
- Who from WB is involved?
- Lincoln attended all-hands meeting last week
- May need to take a more active role here
- Could provide compelling use cases to make sure our, and users, needs are addressed
- Make AGR portal one of the use cases
- Three existing Commons:
- NCI Commons
- Trans-NIH Commons
- Genome Commons
New Member of WormBase Parasite Team
- Welcome, Faye!