WormBase Model:Antibody
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///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Antibody model // // Summary records the whole description extracted from paper // Other_name holds the antibody's name appeared in the paper, such as MH27 // XREF from ?Antibody to ?CDS class will be added after ?CDS is integrated // into models.wrm and gets stable. // // added by krb 031120 // // Well defined antibodies will be full populated with Isolation data. Ambigous anibodies // will be connected to what it is believed to be by the Possible_pseudonym(_of) pair of tags // No connection to CDS is required - just Gene is fine // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?Antibody Summary ?Text #Evidence //Summary of the antibody Other_name Text //for synonyms of the antibody Gene ?Gene XREF Antibody //Antigen gene Isolation Original_publication UNIQUE ?Paper //original publication of the antibody. No_original_reference Text //for antibody without reference Person ?Person //person who created the antibody Location ?Laboratory //Lab that created the antibody Clonality UNIQUE Polyclonal Text //indicate if the Ab is polyclonal or monoclonal Monoclonal Text Antigen UNIQUE Peptide Text //if the Ab is created with peptide. Protein Text //if the Ab is created with protein. Other_antigen Text //if the Ab is created with isolated tissue or anything else. Animal UNIQUE Rabbit //The following tags indicate the animal that was used to generate the antiserum Mouse Rat Guinea_pig Chicken Goat Other_animal Text Possible_pseudonym ?Antibody XREF Possible_pseudonym_of //this antibody may be the same as another antibody in WormBase Possible_pseudonym_of ?Antibody XREF Possible_pseudonym //this antibody may be the same as another antibody in WormBase Expr_pattern ?Expr_pattern XREF Antibody_info //This antibody is used for expression pattern analysis Gene_regulation ?Gene_regulation XREF Antibody_info //This antibody is used to study expression pattern change in mutants or under treatments Reference ?Paper XREF Antibody //All papers that ever refer to this antibody Remark ?Text #Evidence //Other information related to the antibody.
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