WormBase-Caltech Weekly Calls September 2021

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September 2, 2021

1. Moving forward with Alliance-friendly Person pages for community curation/authorship tracking
Needed for


  • this is not an Alliance-wide interest for tracking their communities person; however, Alliance is not against person pages, just not supportive of developing this class into the many ways it will be useful for us and our communities
  • need to do this outside of Alliance


  • Paul talks to zfin about interest in person pages
  • Juancarlos talks to Cecilia -need to know important elements to make author to person connection for biolink schema
  • Daniela and Karen invite PomBase to start harmonizing a person model, will send all Alliance an invite

Will do

  • create biolink model based on current WB postgres/Caltech model
  • Adam will add tables when we have them

2. Need to make sure CenGen stuff is included in this next release - need to request Todd to delay release until Adam returns from vacation to deal with it.

September 16, 2021

1. CeNGEN enriched genes per cell type data targeted for WS283.

2. some non-WB objects were present in the Strains and Variations lists coming from the nightly geneace dump. Juancarlos changed the OA population script script to exclude those.

September 23, 2021

1. Help desk ticket on citing the bar graph / FPKM expression data from selected modENCODE libraries - okay to just cite WormBase or should the user cite additional, or other, resources/publications?

  • Okay to cite WormBase, but also ask user to cite the WormBase paper (for now NAR, but in the future, Genetics)
  • Update the WB page on citing WormBase

2. CeNGEN data on Gene page for WS282. A short blog to highlight.

3. Server room in Braun power down for no apparent reason. Reset.

September 30, 2021

1. Http mirror of FTP services

ftp.wormbase.org -> (HTTTPS) downloads.wormbase.org
caltech.wormbase.org -> (HTTP) caltech.wormbase.org/pub