WormBase-Caltech Weekly Calls December 2014
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December 4, 2014
Institution tag in ?Person class
- Cecilia gets data from papers (affiliation) and direct person submission.
- Some people are affiliated to several departments or several institutions
- Do we want to capture and distinguish all affiliations?
- Should the info be collected and pipe separated inside the Institution tag?
- This potentially adds a great deal of work to collect, fix, and maintain this info
- Do we want to create an ?Institution class? Do we want an ?Affiliation class?
- We want to standardize country name and institution name (use United Nations for reference of country names http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49alpha.htm )
- Institution and department can be listed in the same line like
?Person Institution ?Text Department ?Text
- Or if keeping as
Institution ?Text
- We'd tokenize the text with pipes or semicolons, separating the Institution name; Insitution city / state / country; Department
- Or we'll put the Departments in the Street_address tag instead of the Institution tag, making the Insitution tag a controlled vocabulary
- Standardized county and state names?
December 11, 2014
Updating Constructs
- Constructs previously only with a text description are getting updated to fit the data model
- Relevant genes and reporters are being moved to the appropriate tags in (where possible) controlled vocabulary
Interaction-Gene associations
- Variations should be pushed from #Interactor_info into Interactor tag of ?Interaction model
- Variations could be mapped to genes during the build
- Transgenes can still be in #Interactor_info but relevant genes (from the transgene) will need to be annotated explicitly
- Hinxton (via the build process) will need to fill in the gene interactor for interactions where variations are annotated as the interactor
- Karen and Chris will work with Juancarlos on how to handle dead genes in ?Construct models and mentioned in interactions via transgenes
WormBase Ontology Browser
- Updated to WS246 on the local dev server
Expression Clusters
- Large increase in numbers of papers/datasets with expression cluster data
- Datasets including RNASeq and proteomics
Recap on Todd's visit
- Updating interaction display
- Separating Interaction-based phenotypes from directly caused phenotypes
- Added sequence features as interactors in Cytoscape interaction view
- Updated GBrowse view of sequence features
- Institutions - affiliating authors to institutions and countries with controlled vocabulary
Single molecule FISH annotation
- The number of molecules observed is captured in free text
High throughput variation annotation
- Karen and Mary Ann are curating large numbers of lethal (Let) variations being sequenced by Ann Rose and David Baille
- Mary Ann has curated the molecular lesion information for these alleles - they'll be in WS247
Pathway diagrams and images from papers linked to Topics
- We will begin annotating paper/review pathway images (with permissions) to WB topics
December 18, 2014
Topic Diagrams
- Working out a pipeline to capture pathway diagrams from papers
- For pictures we have permissions for, we will display the images on the Topic pages
- Topic OA has two fields added to flag papers with good diagrams (toggle field) and a text field for curators to indicate the figure(s) number(s)
- When curators scan through papers from a new topic for relevance, they can also flag a paper for good diagrams
- We may be able to import standard format images from PubMed Central
Personal Communication
- Do we want to take any unpublished expression data from labs/PIs?
- We could, but the contributors should fill out a form to submit the data
- This could be a good way to test out community annotation forms
- We want to establish a micro-publication pipeline whereby data can be submitted formally with minimally required information (enough to reproduce)
- We need to be very clear on the data display on the web as to whether or not the data is personal communication (if not a formal micro-publication)
- Applies to all data types; common examples include allele-phenotype data
- Need a disclaimer statement like: "Unpublished data, cite only with author permission"