WormBase-Caltech Weekly Calls 2023

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December 14, 2023

C. elegans GPT

  • Trained a small GPT model with C. elegans literature. Reporting some results.

Alliance Literature Migration

  • WB topics, how to process afp data
    • Show Caltech curators a comparison between afp data in the Caltech curation status form vs the ABC. Implications for display and statistics.
    • Also, afp form had changes over its lifetime; ACKnowledge form has had different versions/releases with new fields
    • Current data model at the ABC has negated as a Boolean (true/false).
      • We could add an additional value of 'null' to capture incomplete knowledge, i.e. unless we require authors (and curators) to always say Y/N for a given data type, we can't know for sure.
      • Maybe we just have to be explicit, for any future comparative analyses, that 'negative' validation by authors comes with a big caveats/limitations that we never required an explicit Y/N for every field and flagging by other methods, at least in some cases, suggests authors were not thorough

December 07, 2023

Alliance Literature Migration

OA Paper Ontology switching to ABC

  • Can we switch OA autocomplete / TermInfo / Validation to WBPapers in ABC ?
  • Do we need to extract additional data from elsewhere. Or are there timing issues ?
  • WB tools connect to xref endpoint

Next citace upload

  • This will be our first upload completely using the dockerized system.
  • Tuesday, January 9th, for Caltech citace upload


  • Chris, Daniela, Karen, Kimberly, Nick, Wen attending
  • Any outstanding registration issues?

November 30, 2023

WormBase Literature System Migration to Alliance

  • Almost done with work for topic migration
    • Review ABC topic/entity table
    • Question about migration of OA 'curated' flag
      • Who/When curation was done in the OA is not stored in the curation status form
      • Do we need it? What do we want going forward when curation is performed at the Alliance?
  • Objects curated and objects curated/paper fields in the curation status form
    • This raises the question of, at the Alliance, what information should be gathered from curation tools vs the ABC?
  • Workflows and expectations for updating curated status for paper - data type
    • Instantaneous? Daily?


  • GSA membership renewal
  • Meeting registration
  • Accommodations


please check recent tickets: #9379 and #9378

FYI Stavros is on holiday until 4th of January. Please respond to the tickets that usually be responded by me. Thanks a million!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

November 9, 2023

  • TAGC
    • Who is attending - who is organizing what booth?
    • Can use passes, Exhibitors have
      • One full conference registration
      • Two exhibit hall-only registrations (additional booth personnel $50 each)
      • One guest pass
    • Announce on Alliance Forum?
      • Who to ask - David Shaw?
  • Literature system migration to Alliance
    • PDFs are now housed at the Alliance - any difficulties accessing?
      • Ranjana-Mostly works well for me whenever I've tried but haven't fully incorporated into my workflow
      • When will we be able to open a PDF (from the link) in the browser window which is really convenient instead of having to download it all the time? Did check my chrome browser settings and it is set to "Open PDFs in Chrome", so do I have to do something else or does something have to be done on the ABC side for the PDF to open in a browser window?
    • We are working on the UI for entity and topic addition
      • For entities that are not yet housed in the A team store, we will need to validate against WB
      • For new entities that are housed in the A team store, how will creating new ids work?
    • Textpresso for C. elegans
      • When to switch over to the Alliance instance?
  • Travel reimbursements status
    • Glasgow meeting
    • Other meetings
  • WS292 upload
    • Before or after the holidays?

November 2, 2023

  • Expression Dataset Locator with scRNASeq datasets needs to show which version of WS the datasets are mapped to. A new column showing WS numbers will be good.
    • Alliance has no manpower to remap the scRNASeq from raw data.
  • Church B167 will be taken back by BBE.

October 12, 2023

Accessing FMS files at the Alliance

September 28th, 2023

Switching over to the new textpresso-labs cloud system

  • Juancarlos will flip the switch to the new dockerized system on Friday, Sep 29th

Research Integrity Course

  • I (Chris G) still haven't completed this; is there a hard deadline?

September 14th, 2023

Switching over to the new textpresso-labs cloud system

For the next upload instructions-September 26th

  • All the curators will dump their files on the old Tazendra system.
  • They will then copy the files to the dockerized system - acedb@caltech-curation.textpressolab.com
    • scp: scp -P 2022 <file> acedb@caltech-curation.textpressolab.com:/path/to/file/(-p is to specify port with ssh, -P is to specify port with scp. see below for rsync)
    • /usr/caltech_curation_files/Data_for_citace/Data_from_<insertcuratorname>/
    • /usr/caltech_curation_files/Data_for_CitaceMinus/
    • /usr/caltech_curation_files/Data_for_Ontology/
  • Wen does the build on that.
  • You must test your ace files on the CitaceMinus mirror. 
  • Switch to the dockerized system right after the upload - on September 29th.

September 7th, 2023

Paper Issue

  • WBPaper00062523 republished as WBPaper00063966 (Daniel)
    • WBPaper00062523 is a biorxiv paper entered about a month before the reviewed publication came in
    • There's no data attached to the biorxiv paper that I can see, so is it okay to make it invalid?
    • Confirm that we're not bringing in preprints from biorxiv (this is also what the Alliance lit group agreed) - do we need to re-visit this decision?
  • WBPaper00062523 made invalid in postgres (not merged into WBPaper00063966 since these are separate publications)

citace upload

  • Status update for test file generation and upload
  • Confirm:
    • Where to deposit the .ace file
    • How will the files get there?
    • Review file archive/backup policy - where and for how long?
  • Dumping script updates SOP
    • Modify script in github

August 31st, 2023

Alliance Migration: Review flagged data types

  • Discuss future of the different data types and flagging methods in context of transferring data to the Alliance infrastructure
  • Initially thought we were planning to transfer everything we have currently at Caltech
  • But are there data types that we don't need to transfer, and if so, what are the implications for:
    • Alliance data storage - any limitations?
    • Storing and accessing existing Caltech legacy data
    • If we don't transfer legacy data, but a flagging pipeline still runs, do we stop the flagging pipeline? Keep the flagging pipeline but don't transfer any new data to the Alliance?
  • I can make a table like the one below for all the data types, if this would be helpful. (Kimberly)
Data Type in Curation Status Form Data Type Definition (same for each flagging method?) Flagging method(s) in curation status form Current usage - which flagging methods are currently used for curation Alliance migration - which flagging method(s) data to transfer to the Alliance Curators Alliance curation and data modeling status
Antibody For example: This flags papers that describe..... NNC, SVM, String Match, cfp, afp, oa, curation status Daniela, Wen, Xiaodong

Next citace upload using dockerized tazendra 2-Oct-2023

  • Documentation for SOP
  • Decided at meeting that we'll do the transfer on Sept 14 after discussing at the meeting.
  • Everyone please test your usual curation to make sure everything works before we switch over, or we'll switch over and your stuff won't work until we fix it.

Minimum requirements for variation and strain ace files

Strain : "WBStrainID" - Required and auto-generated on submission (not entered by curator)

Strain Public_name "ABC1" - Required

Location - Required

Reference WBPaperId - Required

Genotype "optional, if provided" - Optional

Remark "Free text" Curator_confirmed "Your WBPersonID" - Optional

Species "Caenorhabditis elegans" - Required

Live - Required and auto-generated on submission (not entered by curator)

Variation : WBVarID - Required and auto-generated on submission (not entered by curator)

Variation Public_name "abc1" - Required

Reference WBPaperId - Required

Gene "WBGeneID" - Optional

Strain "optional, if provided" - Optional

Remark "Optional free text" Curator_confirmed "Your WBPersonID" - Optional

Species "Caenorhabditis elegans" - Required

Live - Required and auto-generated on submission (not entered by curator)

  1. Full class models:

?Variation class

?Variation Evidence #Evidence
           Name Public_name UNIQUE ?Variation_name XREF Public_name_for
                Other_name ?Variation_name XREF Other_name_for #Evidence
                Rearrangement ?Rearrangement XREF Variation // some alleles are really rearrangements
                HGVSg UNIQUE Text #Evidence
           Sequence_details SMap S_parent UNIQUE Sequence UNIQUE ?Sequence XREF Allele
                            Flanking_sequences UNIQUE Text UNIQUE Text
                            Mapping_target UNIQUE ?Sequence
                            Source_location UNIQUE Int UNIQUE ?Sequence UNIQUE Int UNIQUE Int UNIQUE #Evidence //source data, <WSversion> ?Sequence pos1 pos2 Evidence(Paper/person etc. remarks)
                            CGH_deleted_probes UNIQUE Text UNIQUE Text
                            CGH_flanking_probes UNIQUE Text UNIQUE Text
                            Type_of_mutation Substitution UNIQUE Text UNIQUE Text #Evidence // wild type and mutant sequence
                                             Insertion UNIQUE Text #Evidence
                                             Deletion UNIQUE Text #Evidence
                                             Tandem_duplication #Evidence
                            PCR_product ?PCR_product XREF Variation
                            SeqStatus UNIQUE Not_sequenced //[2006-02-17 ar2] to differentiate between mutations which have been sequenced and those which have not.
                            Deletion_verification Text #Evidence //[14-Mar-06 ar2] Mark Edgely of KO_alleles has developed test to confirm deletion (mt3)
           Variation_type Engineered_allele  //construct model addition
                          SNP            // replaces the old 'Status Text' part of ?Locus model
                          RFLP Reference_strain_digest     Text Text Text // storing site, enzyme, and band size
                               Polymorphic_strain_digest Text Text Text
                          Transposon_insertion ?Transposon_family XREF In_variation
           Origin Species UNIQUE ?Species
                  Strain     ?Strain XREF Variation #Evidence
                  Component_of_genotype ?Genotype XREF Variation
                  Laboratory ?Laboratory
                  Author ?Author // use Person when known, else use Author
                  Person ?Person //
                  Analysis ?Analysis
                  Corresponding_transgene UNIQUE ?Transgene XREF Corresponding_variation
                  Production_method CRISPR_Cas9
                                    Homologous_recombination //Homologous_recombination
                                    NHEJ //Non-homologous DNA end-joining, imprecise DNA repair
                                    ZFNNHEJ_repair //Zinc-finger nuclease
                  Expr_pattern ?Expr_pattern XREF Variation #Evidence
                  DB_info Database ?Database ?Database_field UNIQUE ?Text //to link out to KO pages ar2 02-DEC-05
                  KO_consortium_allele   // North American knockout consortium
                  NBP_allele  // Japanese knockout consortium
                  NemaGENETAG_consortium_allele //NemaGENETAG consortium allele - Nektarios et al
                  Detection_method Text
                  Positive_clone ?Clone XREF Positive_variation #Evidence
                  Nature_of_variation UNIQUE Polymorphic
                  History Merged_into UNIQUE ?Variation XREF Acquires_merge
                          Acquires_merge ?Variation XREF Merged_into
                          Split_from UNIQUE ?Variation XREF Split_into
                          Split_into ?Variation XREF Split_from
                  Status UNIQUE Live #Evidence
                                Suppressed #Evidence
                                Dead #Evidence
           Linked_to ?Variation XREF Linked_to  // for being able to specify paired substitutions which are part of the same allele
           Affects Gene    ?Gene XREF Allele #Molecular_change      //#Molecular_change mh6 define precise changes [060217 ar2]
                   Predicted_CDS ?CDS XREF Variation #Molecular_change
                   Transcript ?Transcript XREF Variation #Molecular_change
                   Pseudogene ?Pseudogene XREF Variation #Molecular_change
                   Feature ?Feature XREF Associated_with_variation
                   Interactor ?Interaction XREF Variation_interactor
           Possibly_affects ?Gene XREF Possibly_affected_by #Evidence
           Isolation Date DateType
                     Mutagen UNIQUE Text #Evidence
                     Forward_genetics Text #Evidence  // Capture the basis of the experiment that isolated
                     Reverse_genetics Text #Evidence  // the allele. [040206 krb]
                     Transposon_excision ?Transposon_family
                     Derived_from_variation ?Variation XREF Derivative
                     Derivative ?Variation XREF Derived_from_variation
                     Derived_from_construct ?Construct XREF Engineered_variation
           Genetics Gene_class ?Gene_class XREF Variation
                    Mating_efficiency Male UNIQUE ME0_Mating_not_successful #Evidence
                                                  ME1_Mating_rarely_successful #Evidence
                                                  ME2_Mating_usually_successful #Evidence
                                                  ME3_Mating_always_successful #Evidence
                                      Hermaphrodite UNIQUE HME0_Mating_not_successful #Evidence
                                                           HME1_Mating_rarely_successful #Evidence
                                                           HME2_Mating_usually_successful #Evidence
                                                           HME3_Mating_always_successful #Evidence
                    Map ?Map XREF Variation #Map_position
                    Interpolated_map_position UNIQUE ?Map UNIQUE Float
                    Mapping_data 2_point ?2_point_data
                                 Multi_point ?Multi_pt_data
                                 Pos_neg_data ?Pos_neg_data
                                 // above three are for mapping on its own behalf
                                 In_2_point ?2_point_data
                                 In_multi_point ?Multi_pt_data
                                 In_pos_neg_data ?Pos_neg_data
                                 // these are for when the locus is mapped
                    Marked_rearrangement ?Rearrangement XREF By_variation
           Description Phenotype ?Phenotype XREF Variation #Phenotype_info
                       Phenotype_remark ?Text #Evidence
                       Phenotype_not_observed ?Phenotype XREF Not_in_Variation #Phenotype_info  //added by Wen to separate Not phenotype from real phenotypes
           Disease_info Models_disease ?DO_term XREF Disease_model_variation
                        Modifies_disease ?DO_term XREF Disease_modifier_variation //New tag
                        Models_disease_in_annotation ?Disease_model_annotation XREF Variation //New tag
                        Modifies_disease_in_annotation ?Disease_model_annotation XREF Modifier_variation //New tag
			Modifies_disease_asserted_variation ?Disease_model_annotation XREF Asserted_variation // request for WS287
           Reference ?Paper XREF Allele
           Remark ?Text #Evidence
           Method UNIQUE ?Method
           Supporting_data Movie ?Movie XREF Variation #Evidence  //Carol [060421 ar2]

?Variation_name Other_name_for ?Variation XREF Other_name // main reason for this class
                Public_name_for ?Variation XREF Public_name // the main name for a gene

// hash to contain detailed changes caused by mutations [2006-02-17 ar2]
#Molecular_change VEP_consequence Text // proposed addition as well as mapping to the WB tags. 
                  VEP_impact Text #Evidence 
                  SIFT Float Text #Evidence 
                  PolyPhen Float Text #Evidence 
                  HGVSc Text #Evidence 
                  HGVSp Text #Evidence
                  cDNA_position Text #Evidence
                  CDS_position Text #Evidence
                  Protein_position Text #Evidence
                  Intron_number Text #Evidence
                  Exon_number Text #Evidence
                  Codon_change Text #Evidence
                  Amino_acid_change Text #Evidence

?Strain class

?Strain  Evidence #Evidence
         Status UNIQUE Live #Evidence
                       Dead #Evidence
         Genotype UNIQUE Text
         Public_name UNIQUE ?Text
         Other_name ?Text #Evidence
         Contains Gene ?Gene XREF Strain
                  Variation ?Variation XREF Strain
                  Rearrangement ?Rearrangement XREF Strain
                  Clone ?Clone XREF In_strain
                  Transgene ?Transgene XREF Strain
         Disease_info Models_disease ?DO_term XREF Disease_model_strain
                      Modifies_disease ?DO_term XREF Disease_modifier_strain //New tag
                      Models_disease_in_annotation ?Disease_model_annotation XREF Strain //New tag
                      Modifies_disease_in_annotation ?Disease_model_annotation XREF Modifier_strain //New tag
         Database ?Database ?Database_field ?Text
         Properties Inbreeding_state UNIQUE Selfed Text
                                            Isofemale Text
                                            Multifemale Text
                                            Inbred Text
                    Outcrossed UNIQUE Text
                    Mutagen Text
                    Strain_history Text
                    Date_first_frozen UNIQUE DateType
                    CGC_received DateType
                    Phenotype ?Phenotype XREF Strain #Phenotype_info
                    Phenotype_not_observed ?Phenotype XREF Not_in_Strain #Phenotype_info //added by Wen to separate Not phenotype from real phenotypes
         Location ?Laboratory #Lab_Location
         Made_by ?Person //updated from ?text
         Contact ?Person
         Remark ?Text #Evidence
         Reference ?Paper XREF Strain
         Species UNIQUE ?Species // added by krb [021021]
         NCBITaxonomyID UNIQUE Int // Allows for finer grade attachment of NCBItaxon IDs
         Wild_isolate // to identify wild isolates - since genotype is free text
         Isolation GPS UNIQUE Float UNIQUE Float #Position_confidence // Latitude +/-DD.DDDDD Longitude +/-DD.DDDDD
                   Elevation UNIQUE Float #Position_confidence // Elevation above sea level.
                   Place UNIQUE ?Text
                   Landscape UNIQUE Urban_garden
                   Substrate UNIQUE ?Text // e.g. snail, soil, apple, rotting fruit
                   Associated_organisms ?Text
                   Life_stage ?Life_stage
                   Log_size_of_population UNIQUE Float
                   Sampled_by Text // the person who found the worms
                   Isolated_by ?Person // the person who isolated the worms from the sample
                   Date UNIQUE DateType
                   Picture ?Picture

August 24th, 2023

  • Using name server as a backdoor for curation
  • Minting WBIDs for Tier3 and 4 species

August 3rd, 2023


  • Reminder to do research integrity training
  • Not everyone at WormBase got the email - Paul S. can double-check if this was based on job titles or something else

Genetics Database Update Paper

  • Is there enough material for a WB update?
    • Explanation of transition to the Alliance
      • Start by creating a table of data types in WB vs Alliance
    • New WB data, e.g. single cell data
  • If so, who's turn is it to write it?

July 20th, 2023

Remaining debrief from IWM

  • PIs wanting to undergraduates to do more in terms of curation and training
    • check into training support with NSF community outreach grants

Motivating the community

    • Chris's trophys a huge hit - people wanted pictures and were motivated
    • $250 uPub voucher useful
    • Paul's sense of swag is off, staff have great ideas
    • WB blog supports images - can post pictures of trophy winners

Place for teaching material

want to have a public location to for people to access webinars and slides etc. ex. XenBase
Paul suggests we use an Alliance Forum to post these, will also motivate alliance members to do the same>
Chris suggests the Alliance User Forum
Todd suggests Google drive is good, but many problems with things getting muddled, e.g, by inconsistent naming = things get lost and hard to find
If we use google drive, need to have some management
Do we want a place for the community to share things with the community
Alliance User Support Group should be tapped for help here, and we can reach out to GSA to see what they do to organize community teaching docs.
Raymond - CMS system is designed for this, but we would need to set that up == Wen is interested
Todd- need to identify what type of material would we be putting up. Slide shows? - maybe use a ready built CMS that is good with side-shows, will also need to have maintenance over time.
Maybe the lowest hanging fruit is just Maintaining an Index page for these, then it doesn't matter where the material really exits
Start with generic index page at Alliance, with brief metadata - can we store it in CaltechData = Karen and Wen will talk to the library

Making Web pages for uPub papers

Immediate problem - make a splash page for paper not found at WB. something more general - ask Alliance for splash page
gene paper links is going to be more complicated

WormBook and GSA

Genetics thinking that WormBook is not that active, but possibly they are missing out on activity since community uses WormBook.org as index to find articles.
Dainel has been adding Genetics WormBook chapters to WormBook.org, so they should be available there and findable.


Raymond fixed the link-outs to these sites, not updated on the site yet
Todd- hotfix will be run that should fix all of that

Release announcements

Not automated, Caltech needs to synchronize things, Raymond and Wen will be added to Slack release channel.

July 13th, 2023

Update/Discussion on WormBase -> Alliance paper pipeline migration

  • Alliance data model for entity/topic tagging
  • Alliance Tags for Papers Ontology
  • ECO requests
  • Bibliographic data - Alliance will be the source of truth for all references in PubMed (except legacy author data); WB will be the source of truth for all other paper, e.g. meeting abstracts
  • Entity tags
    • Species
      • Modeling evidence
        • 'Manually_connected' plus 'Curator_confirmed' - Alliance doesn't yet have people, so we will store 'WBPerson' in a created_by field
        • 'Inferred_automatically' text string (from ACKnowledge pipeline)
        • No explicit evidence in postgres, but notes on what we did, e.g. scripts and string matching
    • Genes
      • Modeling evidence
  • Topic tags
    • Will port over the WB topic and map to an ATP ontology term
    • Will not populate species (we don't know this definitively at WB)
    • Each flagging 'method' will be a unique combination of: source, source details, MOD, and creator
      • For example, author, ACKnowledge, WB, WBPerson625
      • For example, author, Fast Track Your Paper, FB, Norbert Perrimon
    • Some data types, e.g. antibody, are modeled as topics and entities; we will only populate topic unless we also have a specific curie to populate an entity value
      • New topic tags: antibody data
    • Existing validation will come from manual curator entries in curation status form and from OA values and from author ACKnowledge submissions
      • Each validation is tracked separately; no manual validation will overwrite any other manual validation
      • Manual entries will validate AI entries (more specific entries can validate less specific entries)
    • Modeling and porting over curation status pre-canned comments
      • SVM positive, curation negative
        • Validated right by curator, but not curatable for WB (will be a new workflow ATP tag)
        • WB may not have always been consistent here, so we may want to think about clean up after migration
      • C. elegans as heterologous expression system
      • GO curation (will not port over; we can get this information from a GAF, if need be)
      • BioGrid and BioGrid/GO - keep?
      • Curation negative, no strain name given in paper
      • Toxicology - create an ATP value?
      • Host-pathogen virulence - create an ATP value?

July 6th, 2023

June 8th, 2023

  • Update on WormBase -> Alliance paper pipeline migration
    • Newly added WB papers for retraction notices and corrections

June 1st, 2023

  • Raymond: We need to prepare some slides to introduce our tools at IWM. It would be better to drop them to the google doc folder for IWM.
  • From Tazendra to Amazon Cloud server: Valerio finished the backup setting and now restoring data on the cloud server. Now testing Wen's script and the full build will be tested after IWM
  • Textpresso will be modified and prepared for ABC in Alliance. This will be discussed again after IWM.

May 25th, 2023

  • Waterston data
    • Noticed that Bob's list had 69 dead genes and that the graphs were displayed on the dead gene page
e.g. WBGene00009022
    • Asked Paulo to map the dead genes to the live ones and display on the live gene page.
    • While doing this Paulo noticed that 55 genes had values for both dead and live genes, and the values are quite different.
    • Notify Bob, can ditch dead genes

May 11th, 2023

  • Waterston data update
    • Generated a file with the correct mappings
    • Renamed Canopus the image files on Canopus
    • Generated a -D file for Citace Minus
      • Send the .ace file to stavros
      • Contact Paulo and Todd
    • Tested on spica, all good
    • Patch the file for WS289. What needs to be done?
  • Next upload
    • Falls right after the IWM and around the 4th of July holiday
    • Do we want to do a trial upload with our new system beforehand?
    • We will upload the files on spica as we normally do but will also test the new system as much as we can
    • Will do upload on July 11th
  • Person wormbase_comments in acedb vs internal comments in postgres, but neither on WBPerson pages on website.
    • No one recalls why they're in acedb, email sent to wormbase@caltech with questions for Cecilia. There are ~14k wormbase_comments

May 4th, 2023

  • Bug with molecule OA
    • JSON parse failed error -> fixed
    • Juancarlos will look into this
  • Alliance postgres migration
    • Chris started working on this

April 27th, 2023

  • 445 image files provided by Bob Waterston contain the wrong WBGene name, e.g. egl-1_WBGene00001186_embryo_lineage.jpg (egl-1 is WBGene00001170)
  • noticed while doing spot check in discussing Eyleen J. O'Rourke data
  • Paulo programmatically went through the files, the graphs are unaffected, the images are.
  • Option 1: ask Juancarlos to rename the wrong image files, based on gene public name. Prepare a -D file for CitaceMinus and re-upload a .ace file for the wrong objects.
  • Option 2: ask Bob to send again the original files with the right name.
  • Regardless, notify Bob

March 23rd, 2023

  1. Some updates on Neural Networks development (postponed)

March 16th, 2023

  1. Getting data from acedb to load postgres. (e.g. Variation) Do we still need this ? Automated scripts seemed to break a lot, while running them manually always worked.

March 9th, 2023

  1. [migration to the cloud]
    1. The generic.cgi, we need to know who uses these:
      1. tempVariationObo: this brings in variations into the OA that are in WB but not in the OA. Note this is a different functionality compared to the Name server. We need this. Used by Ranjana, ??
        1. CG: Yes, I need this
      2. UpdateVariationObo--can't get to this now on Tazendra
      3. AddToVariationObo--can't get to this now on Tazendra
      4. TempStrainObo --brings in strains into the OA that are in WB, seems to be the counterpart of the tempVariationObo for strains
        1. CG: I need this
      5. AddTempObjectObo--used to add data to the database, used by AddToVariationObo and AddToStrainObo
      6. PapIdToWBPaper
        1. CG: I need this
      7. When people added things by mistake they would sometimes remove them from the flatfile, does anyone still do that ? -- Chris and Ranjana don't, Karen or Daniela might
      8. Does the public need access to this, or should we move this to a private / protected URL ? -- Nick/micropub probably needs this
    2. WSVariation and nightly geneace variation file
      1. Overlapping but WSVariation has a lot more variation-related info, e.g. phenotype and phenotype_not_observed
      2. Confirming that we still need both
    3. There's also WpaXref and WpaXrefBackwards and ListPmids and ConvertPaperIdentifiers
    4. The only thing is that it writes to flatfiles so when cronjobs update variation/strains from nameserver or WS, it also loads from the flat files. The location of the flatfiles isn't final yet, but it's dockerized. People used to manually edit that when they wanted to remove them from the list, do people still want to manually edit those flatfiles ?
    5. ContinentPIs
    6. Valerio has set up ssh access into textpressolab.com
    7. There's 3 cases for using acedb:
      1. your local use for testing stuff
      2. spica replacement for Wen
      3. extract things automatically for tazendra/postgres. Do we need this ?
  2. Some updates on Neural Networks development

Feb 23rd, 2023

New paper folder organization may affect downstream pipelines

Feb 9th, 2023

IWM 2023 booth cost

  • From Mary Anne this morning: "I had the cost wrong, it would be $750 for you at cost. Sorry, I had been looking at the wrong line item."

January 26th, 2023

Alliance issues

  • monitoring API usage?
    • We have Google Analytics but since Patrick Kalita left, no one has been monitoring it
    • Paul: we need for now a simple way of tracking number of users. Chris: seems reinventing the wheel to write something from scratch. tracking API calls would be useful for our funders.
    • Olin said you can track UI events (e.g. page clicks) and API access (including programmatic access) but we are not currently. Chris will see how much work is involved in this. We need someone with Google Analytics experience.
    • Would be good to put a call out to all people at Alliance asking who has experience with Google Analytics.
  • Simplemine: reverse proxy hosted at alliancegenome.org. If it is dockerized we can do it, otherwise not. Eventually dockerize Simplemine and move it to Alliance servers.
    • Olin concerned about security over CGI technology.
    • We will talk about this (implementation and security concerns) at the developer call
  • Embedding alliance tools or processes into MODs.
    • The API is there but is not in all MOD interest to write code to pull the data out.
    • iFrame is not very flexible on how you display data (e.g. narrow, little flexibility in configuration).
    • Could set up widgets as we did for the GO ribbon. Still requires MOD implementation of code base.
    • Paul: eventually MOD sites will be retired. Chris: One concern from Christian (ZFIN): clicking on a zebrafish gene name will open up an alliance page, could it link to ZFIN gene page or provide users with an option?
    • Maybe opening up an Alliance widget at the MOD preferably happens in a separate window (e.g. pop-up window, new browser window/tab; as opposed to in the same page/tab).

Alliance All Hands

  • Not all the curators are going to be there. Focus on PI discussion and development teams?

January 5th, 2023

  • Chris will help to create a reverse proxy for the Alliance SimpleMine. It will function like WormBase SimpleMine. People will need to visit the Alliance before going to tazendra. It will prevent users from seeing the tazendra URL and create more traffic for the Alliance
  • Alliance SimpleMine with XenBase data is ready but needs XenBase feedback before it goes public. It is based on Alliance 5.4.0 release, so it can be released when Alliance 5.4.0 goes public in late Jan or mid-Feb.
  • Karen will visit Pasadena 1/13-15