WebDev 2012.02.01-Agenda and Minutes
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1. Administrative Update (Todd; 5 minutes)
2. App status, Variation call results (Abby; 10 minutes)
3. Development update (Maher; 10 minutes)
- Gene Page Alterations
- Example (unc-26)
- Interactions
- Moved colour legend to top
- Changed colour scheme to follow WormBase
- Phenotypes
- Table evidence
- Combined RNAi tables into phenotypes
- Homology
- Best BLASTP Matches
- Restricted protein domains to Interpro
- Reagents
- Sequence Page Alterations
- Example (yk444b8.5)
- Region
- Moved cDNAs to Reagents
- Where to move "Transcripts in this region"? (Location/Sequences)
- Origin (Moved fields to Overview (Restrict to curators?))
- Reagents (Added PCR products)