WBConfCall 2024.09.05-Agenda and Minutes

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Help desk issues

WormBase X/Twitter account

  • https://x.com/wormbase
  • Has 2934 followers. It used to publish WormBase blogs automatically but stopped in May 2023
  • Todd: As for the blog integration: X disallowed third-party integration like that


WB fees

  • Caltech agreed to be setup to receive fees and donations

WB Grant

  • Still waiting on announcement of funding

X/Twitter issue

  • Todd is working on a solution to auto-post WB blogs to X

FTP site

  • Todd/web team will remove links to FTP site and mentions of it

Spurious files in Downloads site

  • Empty, spurious GFF, GTF and other files for non-core species in Downloads
  • For example, the Hawaiian strain files for GTF and transcript and protein FASTA files at https://downloads.wormbase.org/releases/WS293/species/c_elegans/PRJNA275000/ are essentially empty files (<50 bytes each)
  • Hinxton agreed to take a look to audit the download file generation to purge spurious (essentially empty) data files