WBConfCall 2023.05.04-Agenda and Minutes
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Agenda and Minutes
scRNA from Whole-body gene expression atlas of an adult metazoan
- Web site https://wormseq.org/
- Curatable data (need to decide what to take on)
- Interactive graph TPM / % cell expressing per gene (planned)
- Enriched gene set per cell (planned)
- Link out to their web site and analysis tools (planned)
- Inclusion on http://single-cell.wormbase.org/
- if we have the files in .h5ad format we can try to set it up
- Likely house keeping genes
- these could be brought in via expression cluster
- Makers used for cell cluster ID
- integrate into anatomy pages
- Ligand-receptor expression informed cell-cell interaction
- for this and the following items Hinton does not have enough manpower to deal with it
- Transcription factor code per cell type
- cis-acting sites for cell types
- Booth
- received this morning an email from the contractor for booth logistics
- carpeting
- electrical and extension cords
- Stavros Sarah can bring some extension cords
- furniture
- Sarah and Stavros can bring camping chairs
- received this morning an email from the contractor for booth logistics
- Swag
- General WB swag
- Community curation swag
- microPublication swag
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v8bCoL2Qy9hNQmJ57YOccg8HkmKXclulugfnYwGU7lM/edit
- Workshop
- Scott will be remote
- Check in with Todd if he can give the tools talk
- Alliance and WB results differ, that influences the gene descriptions
- Need a manual assertion of homology using manually written concise descriptions?
Name Server
- Any update on this, Todd?
Caltech server with WormBase name
Valerio will test, then write to Todd