WBConfCall 2023.03.16-Agenda and Minutes

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Help Desk

1. Cristian Riccio (Miska Lab): whole genome assemblies of 18 wild isolates. Should we host?

 - Sarah contacted Cristian, who works in Cambridge and she will provide more information. One option is to provide JBrowse tracks.

IWM 2023

  • Who is going?
- Roster will be created to line up speakers, presentations, etc. 
- Pre registration is May 2nd'
- travel funds were discussed

Alliance/Caltech Literature

  • Caltech created a parallel PubMed search pipeline and paper editor UI for WormBase Parasite
  • Is this still being used?
 - Discussion was what should be done with the Lit. branch for ParaSite. Dionysis will take a look and discuss with Kimberly.

Grants for AI/ML Readiness of Data

- NIH/NLM provide supplements for making data FAIR or ready for AI/ML ingestion, and proposals can be quite open and broad as there's no consensus from the funding agencies on what is the best approach. Gene ontology seems like a good initial candidate.
- Other MODs can also work on getting supplemental funding

Bob Waterston single cell data

  • Data on staging
  • Bob said it looks great - also shared with his lab and John Murray
  • He asks if i)use log scale ii)display above CenGen and iii) if we want the L2 dataset from the 2017 paper in a similar format
- on i) there are dose discussions on how to setup a log display and some possibilities will be discussed and checked on the JS graphing library
- on ii) CenGen should be on top as it's the latests data available
- on iii) we might consider requesting the data and working on a similar display
More discussions:
  - labelling/values consistency with CenGen graphs
  - embryonic cell on top of lineage
  - display/link static images

New items

  • Paul brought up a discussion on adding new genomes/species to WormBase, including setting up Tier 1, 2 species. This discussion should be done in conjunction to WB's advisory board and meeting(s) should be scheduled in order for the conversations and plan to be defined.