WBConfCall 2023.01.05-Agenda and Minutes
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Agenda and Minutes
Help Desk
https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/8884 "I noticed that the original alleles for egl-1 are listed as 'not curated' however they have been identified molecularly..."
Stavros will take care of it.
WormBase Workshop at IWM 2023
- Assuming we are still interested in holding a WB workshop I'll put a proposal together and submit it before Jan 17th
- Topics will include interactive sessions on Overview/updates of WB and Alliance, Community curation efforts--Acknowledge system, other forms?, MicroPublication (?), JBrowse, and any tool updates? anything else?
- From WormBase to Alliance and back (use case starting with WB, going to Alliance for more details and cross-species comparisons)
- Ontology-based data searching--GO, disease, expression, phenotype, anatomy
- Tools--SimpleMine, WormMine
- Genome browsing--JBrowse
- Community curation--updates to AcKnowledge system, other forms? There will be a microPub booth so the workshop does not need to go through the AcKnowledge system.
Travel to IWM 2023
- We are short of budget for everyone to go. We gave up the travel budget for salary.
- Paul and Todd will look for additional funding to cover travel because this is an important meeting.
- We will see many researchers who never come to the U.S. IWMs. We should try our best to outreach to everyone we see there. This is a year that we need to do more marketing than before.
- We should book flights between March and April for the lowest price. The current price from LAX is $1200 per person.
- We need to book from U.S. companies as it was required by the funding.
How to Transition WormBase Users to the Alliance
- We cannot shut down WormBase and point users to the Alliance because the latter is not ready
- Disease data display is not complete in either WormBase or Alliance. There are more data in Alliance than in WormBase
- Can we embed some Alliance data on WormBase pages to increase the Alliance visits?
- People can now start to create tickets on what kind of Alliance data to embed on WormBase pages.
- Alliance does not track visits from API so the embed better go through another route
- What can Alliance do to help MODs embed data to increase traffic to the Alliance?
- Generic Web Component may not work since every MOD is different and the alliance code may conflict with the MOD code
- iframe is old-schooler but easy to handle. It will increase traffic to the original sites. We already use it to display JBrowse.
- The only problem is that iframe displays from other web pages so it is not easy to change the display on WormBase pages.
- We can start from orthology, variant, and GO. Orthology displays are similar in all MODs so it is easier to start.
- Chris will talk to the A-team to make Alliance iframe compatible. He will talk to Todd offline.
Other topics
- New Assembly of VC2010 will come soon
- Karen needs a curator to view a micropub with large quantities of gene regulation data. Chris will do it.
- Caltech will submit data for WS288 on Friday, Jan. 6th.