WBConfCall 2022.05.05-Agenda and Minutes
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Agenda and Minutes
Apologies: Stavros (ISB 1st UK-Local Biocuration Conference)
Kevin's Last all hands call today
After 11.5 years Kevin is leaving the project for new adventures.
WormBase Progress Report
- link to Google doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T5i4e0f-tkw4587KQndPwNKhvpsqDbYTi26DfB6d7qw
- due date May 8th
Display of Gene Name Evidence
- We were contacted by a user who felt our gene name evidence displayed in the Overview widget is misleading/wrong
- Discussion with Tim and Paul D. on the genenames mailing list confirms that this information actually refers to who named the gene class, not each individual gene
- Is the gene name evidence still worth displaying?
- If yes, can we be more accurate and change the wording to 'Gene class originator' or 'Gene class evidence'?
- Magda, Paul D., Karen will meet with Tim to come up with some solutions of gene naming information tracking.