WBConfCall 2020.07.02-Agenda and Minutes
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WS277 release
- Final stages of getting prepared for release by Web Team
- New Amino Acid-based JBrowse Protein schematic (https://staging.wormbase.org/species/c_elegans/protein/CE29545#03--10)
WS278 Models and Build Schedule
- Confirm model proposals and changes
- Genotype/Disease_model_annotation -- All tested and files already submitted to citace here at Caltech
- ECO_term -- same as above
- Build schedule
Help Desk
- https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/7748
- User requiring list of Transposons and their locations
- Raymond responded with a linked to Paul David's response in similar ticket #6735
- Will follow up to see if this satisfies what he is requiring
- User requiring list of Transposons and their locations
- https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/7774
- User looking for statistics page similar to http://www.informatics.jax.org/mgihome/homepages/stats/all_stats.shtml
- Raymond introduced Fernand to the team. He is focusing on anatomy function curation.
- Genotype new class submitted with WS2778 upload from CalTech
- To handle Genotype EBI needs to change config for new datatype (genotype)
- New tags get automatically pulled in but a new class needs a new line in config file.
- Ranjana work directly with Sibly on the Disease Disease Widget to make UI changes for genotype for WS278
- To handle Genotype EBI needs to change config for new datatype (genotype)
- Are opening up the discussion for getting statistics for pages from either Elasticsearch, the database, or from EBI and displaying them on a WB page
- Will be starting to discuss on Slack and if needed will start meetings.
- Paul S believes it is time to start looking into organizing the Project Meeting.
- Reactome Views in WormBase?
- Need to figure out criteria with regards to WB while being aware of the Alliance.
- Some pathways transfer from human to C. elegans work well and others not so much. Signaling pathways are an example of ones that are more problematic.
- Decided to set up a meeting between Reactome and CalTech curators.