WBConfCall 2019.05.02-Agenda and Minutes
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Helpdesk issues update
- Protein "genomic location" coordinates are off #7082. The protein page "genomic position" coordinates don't exactly map to the gene coordinates or the corresponding CDS coordinates, usually including much more sequence than the gene itself. Now fixed, protein location corresponding to one transcript but would make most sense to use the coordinates of the CDS rather than a transcripts. If multiple transcripts it now chooses a random one.
- JBrowse ticket #7063-loading external data (i.e. a BAM or VCF file) as a track. Scott replied to the user, waiting for reply
- ok3634 doesn't seem to be shown on the genome browser #7067. Julie Ahringer- the ok allele is ‘pending curation’
- Classification of gene-gene interactions #7079 Chris replied to the user, waiting for reply (sent user documentation and user is happy; resolved)
- Workshop schedule is finalized
- Closer to the workshop day Ranjana will contact the speakers
- Start a google doc for plans/ideas -Ranjana
- Booth: should pay fees? Ranjana will ask Sarah
- Tutorial sessions at the booth? not really. We can do it ad hoc. We can bring a projection screen and address questions on laptops
- Shall we prepare presentations beforehand? e.g. Soba, tools- may be too noisy. Curators are welcome to prepare few slides on their topic
- Wen: should we record the workshop and rerun it during the poster sessions? Workshop is worth recording and put it on the web regardless. Wen has a professional camera and tripod. For the recordings we should split into segments post production.
- Swag: finalize the design by next Thursday for the screen clothes. Do we have the combination of cartoon and tools?
- Are we going to promote Alliance? yes. e-mail Daniel the design (Daniela)- 300 enough