WBConfCall 2019.02.21-Agenda and Minutes
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Help Desk
- "Uploading bigBed through custom TrackHub" help desk email Feb 19
- Kevin: Two ParaSite developers are less integrated into WormBase. They aren't on wormbase-help,. eg.
- Will forward ticket to ParaSite: parasite-help@sanger.ac.uk
- "Accessing CB4856 genome assembly and polymorphism information" help desk email Feb 19
- Chris to send instructions to user on how to extract information by the command line.
- "Content Correction: There is a correction on the mutation... (Erik Jorgensen)" help desk email Feb 20
- https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/6929
- Paul to look into this.
[PD] Models freeze is tomorrow; working on small molecule model for Karen.
[DR] Is the new life stage change included?
Upload deadline is March 15th.
[CG] Might want to add new tag for Phenotypes
[RK] Haven't heard anything back; compressing workshops into one.
[DR] uPub workshop now a luncheon instead of a workshop.