WBConfCall 2018.04.05-Agenda and Minutes
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- 2018 SAB / project meeting
- Tentative dates 12/13 July
- When is the right time to nail down specifics and make travel arrangements?
- Help Desk
- Received question/correction from Jeff Medley on March 12 about alleles: mhs357, mhs358, mhs359, mhs361 and mhs362
SAB Meeting
- Scheduled for July 12-13
- Who should be on the SAB? And is the meeting contingent on organizing the SAB?
- We will look at flight schedules to see what might be the optimum schedule
- Kevin: Comments from grant -- that we don't have human geneticist
- Kimberley: Tools and Datatypes
- Todd: Managing transition from autonomous project to a subsidiary of a larger project
Datomic project progress
- AW: About 85% of endpoints complete; now working on nameserver
- KH: Second phase of the migration was the data capture and curation
- Current nameserver is a standalone DB; should we be continuing development or directing effort to AGR?
- (discussion about current vs delayed updates of curation databases)