WBConfCall 2017-12-05-Agenda and Minutes
WS264 upload and build dates
Upload for WS264 in Jan 2018: Are we sticking to the published dates on the Release Schedule, i.e Jan 19th, 16th for Caltech files to be ready for testing in citace.
Biocurator Meeting 2018, Shangai
WormBase/Micropublication/ will have representatives there
Outstanding Help Desk
Interactions widget not loading on daf-12 gene page #5999
WS264 upload and build dates
Matt to ask Paul Davis to send e-mail confirmation to caltech of any changes required for next upload (December)
Biocurator Meeting 2018, Shangai
Discussion about who's going.
AGR Discsussion
PaulS: All mod-data should come from AGR
concentrate on standardization
KHowe: Stength of WB is structure FTP site, perhaps bring that to AGR.
Other areas that would greatly benefit standarization: GFF, GO
<TBD>: Discussion on Expression cluster / Types (I was unable to hear this all due to interference, please annotate - thanks, Matt)
Outstanding Help Desk
Discussion about interactions widget timeout and general timeout on webserver.
- Daniela had already replied to user, will update ticket (hasn't had response) - Chris will see what can be done with intermine. - Matt will ask Gary to look into