WBConfCall 2017-09-06-Agenda and Minutes
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Agenda and Minutes
- Welcome new Caltech curator, Jae Cho
RRID - Karen and Mary Ann
- User asking for advice on creating RRIDs for strains.
- Should have a guide for users Here
- And add to nomenclature guidelines
- Karen does not support their use except maybe for objects which do not have unique IDs (e.g antibodies)
- Their use in publication is optional
- Should be discussed within AGR
- Quite a few of the AGR "Founders" are submitting starin data to RRID
- User needs WormBase official response.
- Minutes from site-wide meeting 10-Dec-2015 state "WormBase supports this project and will work with Anita and Aric to enable them to get the info they need from WB."
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R6j3sDROikjqtJBDRDu7Yf8uBuKnfTgzywBRRW60ia8/edit#gid=0 states RRID has been deprecated for CGC and they will use WBids. Not sure when this was added.
- CGC used to supply data as well as WB......this was seen as counterproductive seeing as we take the CGC strains....WB became the sole supplier of C. elegans strain data to RRID.
- We currently don't index the RRIDs or provide link out - Should we?
Conclusion: Raise issue with AGR (Karen should weigh in) and Mary Ann to reply to user informing how to format RRID and to send strain date not sent to CGC to Mary Ann
Grant Renewal Update
Todd and Kevin will submit their portions to Paul S by Monday.
Tools and Display:
- GO-CAM, Gene Regulatory Element Display (Reactome is possibility); pathway view.
- Human relevance: Disease, Phenotype, Anatomy (pharynx->heart, exc->cystic fibrosis)
- Adding tools for further analysis of data.
- Search filtering adding more detailed, sub-typing, quantitative filtering.
- Crispr designer tool in JBrowse (Don Moerman has a nice tool).
Annotation of Multiple Point Mutations (CRISPR) Mary Ann
- Tim asked to raise this again.
- https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/4018
- Examples: http://staging.wormbase.org/species/c_elegans/variation/WBVar02147647#02-4538-10 (nb some widgets broken, see Remark in Tree Display http://staging.wormbase.org/species/c_elegans/variation/WBVar02147646#02-4538-10 http://www.wormbase.org/species/c_elegans/variation/WBVar02145299#0657942--10
- Modelling in a way that allows for the storage of multiple sub variations/parts so that the data can be dumped in a meaningful way for gff/g/jbrowse.
- MA will make model proposal.
Build Schedule for the Remainder of 2017
- Release schedule
- WS262 - Data freeze/upload - September 22nd
- WS263 - Data freeze/upload - November 17th