WBConfCall 2017-05-04-Agenda and Minutes
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Trivia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Day
WS260 announcement
- The WS260 Build will be starting a week late because of problems with dumping the citace data.
- All dates in the release schedule for WS260 have been moved along by one week.
open helpdesk issues
https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/5588 Error 500
https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/5586 pending query about his-36 search
https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/5579 reference issue (Karen)
https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/5564 transgene descriptions
[wormbase-help] Website Inquiry biologydictionary.net
- Wen re-sent citace and build has been re-started today. It will be 4 days late.
Open Helpdesk Issues
- https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/5588 Error 500 (Sibyl to deal with)
- https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/5586 pending query about his-36 search (Sibyl to deal with)
- https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/5579 reference issue (Karen and Sibyl to deal with)
- https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/5564 transgene descriptions (Karen to deal with)
- [wormbase-help] Website Inquiry biologydictionary.net (Mary Ann to reply - not interested)
Website Search Function (Raymond)
- current search function is not ideal (indexing issues, sometimes an exact match is not found or is buried within list of many hits).
- (Sibyl) Ongoing process to develop this function. Will replicate existing behaviour as we move to datomic (fixing common issues on the way), and then she will contact curators for further new development.
Progress Report (PWS)
- We need to include AGR info, but separately. PWS to speak to AGR tomorrow and report back.
- Please send reports to PWS by the end of next week - 12th May.