WBConfCall 2017-04-20-Agenda and Minutes
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WS260 reminder
- upload date is 28th of April (as in: next week Friday)
Resurrection of PI tag discussion Mary Ann
- See email discussion with subject "Re: How to we defined a worm lab? [was: Re: Worm PI List]" from Jan and Feb 2016
- Maybe wait for Todd to be back
open helpdesk issues
- Hi, I lost my account and forget my p... 6th of April
Karen is uploading for CalTech
Resurrection of PI tag discussion (Mary Ann)
- how to deal with labs without CGC strain registrations?
- we should populate the PI tag in the WBPerson class
- user account (Sybil): needs more information from the user
- broken treeview (Raymond):
- drop it from the website, as we can use XAce locally?
- keep it and find something more stable (a.e. the Datomic viewer)
- how often is it used?
- useful for navigating anatomy terms
- have CalTech try out TrAceView as possible replacement.
- monthly all-hands call replaces the curator call
- no a public API at the moment
- one of the next releases might get REST endpoints for search and widget contents (Adam)
- would be useful for an ontology browser (Raymond)
- data exchange format for gene ids need to be worked out (Sybil)
- will have Global IDs in the form ResourcePrefix:ID similar to Gene Ontology (Kevin)
- display needs to be decided (potentially on a resource by resource basis)
- Diopt might use the Global IDs
- needs potentially more namespaces to disambiguate a.e. strains (Ranjana)
- DAF as final product for the AGR FTP site, internal data exchange format will be JSON (Kevin)
- DAF is the current interchange format for SimpleMine (Wen)
- would it also apply to GAF? (Ranjana)
- we will create a DAF file for the WormBase FTP site, replacing the current disease GAF file (Kevin)
- might break SOBR (Raymond)
- we will do two versions DAF + GAF until say WS261 (Kevin)
- there is a case to think about a AGR FTP site (Adam)
- will be submitted tomorrow
- needs correct affiliation emailed to Chris