WBConfCall 2017-04-06-Agenda and Minutes
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Adding ORCID ids
- should we systematically add these to WBPerson objects? Comments from biocurator meeting would indicate it's a good idea. Mary Ann
- 59 WBPerson objects in WS259 with OrcidID
- maybe add option to add it on Person Update form
Reminder: WS260 upload date
28th of April according to calendar
AGR stats needed today
we need to know who is working on AGR and an estimate of how much effort (as in %FTE). Thanks! -Paul
- Mary Ann. Probably averages out at 5%. It will increase in time.
Methods in Molecular Biology chapter
- Will submit at the end of next week
- Chris & Mary Ann compiling the chapter; will send around for review tomorrow or early next week
- The Person Update form already asks for ORCID IDs
- Juancarlos: we could try to add ORCID IDs automatically - we could ask ORCID for an up-to-date dump of their data, and if the institution data and person name matches exactly, they're probably the same person, but we already know that will give us false connections, so it's partly about how important the accuracy is.
AGR Stats
- If you are working on AGR, email estimates of your effort expended to Paul Sternberg
Annual Progress reports
- these are now due.
Models for WS260
- Paul Davis: is working on these now. He will push them out tonight or tomorrow.
- Chris: has requested a change to the Interaction model. This change is to hold new data. He will revert things for now.
- Raymond: suggests we formally take note of how well model proposals play with Datomic.
- Kevin: are the Datomic developers on the Models list? Not all are.
- Matt: so far the conversion from Ace to Datomic is automatic and is pretty good as long as the model is not unusual. Moving away from using the Ace to Datomic conversion is a complex question and should be discussed in detail.
- Kevin: Matt is working on querying the Interaction data in Datomic. This is a difficult problem. Chris Grove offered to help in resolving things.
MiMB writeups
- Chris: is aiming to have a deadline of April 14th or 15th. The writeup is large - 45 figures (19k words). There is no size limit, but they might charge by the figure and the number of words, Chris has emailed them, but no response yet.
- Daniela: staging is still down. This is required to produce the new Expression figures. Todd will attend to this.