WBConfCall 2016.11.03-Agenda and Minutes
outstanding issues:
item | #5172 question about repeatmaster
AGR progress:
- Orthology: 5 min call on Wednesday
- Use cases: prepping document for December meeting; looking at creating gene, disease and GO-centric pages; gene centric will be geared to comparisons between species; Raymond suggested a landing page for each species; more focused on the the "what" (data) rather than the "how" (UI)
- Technical: trying to figure out organization and how to get contributions from other developers; current prototype is based on flatfiles in elastic search http://search.alliancegenome.org/ for prototype portal; built by two developers at SGD.
- Disease: first priority: data exchange format: gene association format (GO). Defining what should go in each column. End result is one of these files from each MOD.
- Curator: Still discussing how we do things, as opposed to how we should all be doing things *together*. Hope for unified curation tools, but that is really hard.
About the December 6th meeting: somewhat vaguely defined. Communications/decision making need to be sorted out. Perhaps a full time project manager? Where is the money and new staff? How much time/money should we (in the MODs) be devoting to this now? Starts at 8:00 ends at 4:30 (that is what is most definitively known :-) What should the portal be, a toy to get us working together and not worry about what results? It hasn't worked in that regard. Or is it version 1 of the portal? Chris suggests that a org chart would be good given the diversity of the groups involved. Getting feedback on use cases from PIs would be useful. UI design is important and currently completely unrepresented. It would be useful to suggest that WormBase has significant experience working in distributed groups. Modular design should be considered to make development by disparate development groups easier.