WBConfCall 2016.10.20-Agenda and Minutes
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AGR Portal Use Case Working Group update
- Prototype for first general search use case now available
- URL: http://search.alliancegenome.org/
- Basic faceted search for genes, GO terms, and diseases
- Multiple facets/filters available to narrow down results, by object type, species, or topic
- Each entity links back to host/parent database
- Many details are still a work in progress, but substantial functionality demonstrated
- Waiting to discuss orthologies with Orthology Working Group before adding orthology groups to search
External URLs for the TransgeneOme project
We need to resolve the TransgeneOme External URL issue possibly by tomorrow https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/5137
- The only outstanding issue is the one on Briggsae repeatmasker
- a Couple of other tickets are still open but people are working on them
AGR Portal Use Case Working Group update
- The portal working group is working with the SGD development team on the first prototype of the AGR portal.
- They are focusing on search use cases. It demonstrates basic faceted search functionalities, and has a number of cool features on filtering down the results.
- Every entity that comes up will link back to the host database. Some of the data is presenting associations between gene and diseases (Flybase for now, other groups will add info later on).
- Orthology is not included yet, will talk to the orthology working group to have a prototype.
- The use case working group will communicate with the orthology working group to define use cases.
- We will have few features working but for the December meeting is OK not to have the complete orthology figured out.
- Now ontology data comes from different places: intermine, files coming from the MODS. For proof of concept is fine but for the final product the orthology will most likely come from panther.
- In the Portal, going forward the idea is to provide a gene comparison page where all the genes from different species will be presented on the same page with association to disease and association to the GO terms.
- All mods have already information rich gene pages so for now there will be gene comparison pages other than redundantly representing the gene page.
Action Item *Please test the portal and get back to Chris with comments/ideas, think what added value we can have.
External URLs for the TransgeneOme project
- The proposed solution will work: Sibyl, Daniela Karen will work on implementing it
- Hinxton will take care of issue 5172