WBConfCall 2015.04.02-Agenda and Minutes
WormBook Chapters
- plan
- todo
WS249 plans
- 16th of April - Models tagged in CVS
- 1st of May - Data upload (unless the US has holiday)
- 29th of May - Hinxton FTP sites ready
- 1st of July - Staging Site
- 1st of August - Live Site
planned and in no way 100% correct
- S.ratti will join the core species under the aegis of Jane
- B.malayi genome sequence edits - due to GenBank feedback
- bouncing around some ideas from CGC's Aric (Mary Ann)
Help Desk Unresolved
1. GBrowse motif finder #3704
WormBook Chapters
Due by the end of next week (April 10th) for feedback from each other
Post to Google Drive https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/#folders/0Bxp5q5bIQqeifkZWZmhyUm4tQTFXWFNyWC0tNlVnU0VjU0I2TW9kSFRrdlZtYjlXb00zd1E
Please put title and/or place holder if cannot meet the deadline. So others will know what will be available later.
Dates list above serves as a guideline
Release schedules
WS247 is expected to be live on April 10. It will happen a few days earlier than scheduled (this weekend)
WS248 is expected to be live on June 1, according to normal schedule. So it will be live for around 3 weeks before Worm Meeting for further testing and bug fixing.
Aric at CGC
Aric at CGC would like to make himself available at the WB booth so that he can assist users in creating accounts on the soon-to-be-launced new CGC strain website.
No objections among WormBase staff
He will send Mary Ann a slide to add to the Workshop/s and is welcome to have a couple of minutes talk time during the workshop/s.
Github Issue
Scott will look at it.
How to get the version for the C elegans data in ParaSite BioMart?
- Currently using 245
- Things are more up-to-date in ParaSite BioMart than in Ensembl. (for Tier II worms)
Would be nice to search from WormBase for parasitic genes and link to ParaSite BioMart tools