WBConfCall 2013.06.06-Agenda and Minutes
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- "Historical gene"/Dead gene handling (Chris Grove)
- The "Historical_gene" tag has been added to the ?Interaction, ?Transgene, ?Antibody, ?Expr_pattern, and ?WBProcess models
- Postgres .ACE dumpers have been updated accordingly
- Need to discuss web display with regards to these new changes
- Is it possible to track the GFF changes made? (Abby & Joachim)
- Hard to update config and website when we don't know what exactly has changed
- The google doc is nice, but just a snapshot, not the changes
- Historical Gene
- Chris: for WS239, need UI displaying historical gene and remarks. preferrably displayed after valid genes.
- Abby: targeting WS239
- GFF changes
- Abby: EBI should inform OICR GFF changes.
- Michael: AceDB GFF3 dumper (no firm ETA)
- WS239 upload on July 19th.
- WormMeeting preparation
- Hinxton 10' workshop talk
- Poster template, Hinxton may be slightly different
- Share slides
- WormMine update
- Data build for WS238 having issues, deadline June 12 for minor addition of data.
- WebApp ironing out small issues
- UserGuide online. linked to "Take a tour" on the front page.