WBConfCall 2013.03.07-Agenda and Minutes
Generic Brief Identification
Populating the brief identification from UniProt into the CDS would allow for a better functional description of uncurated genes (especially of non elegans species).
Apologies for lateness
Help issues
- All resolved or in hand.
Generic Brief Identification
Michael - can use Uniprot under license if don't change the content and give appropriate attribution.
Todd, should we not add these to the gene objects for display on the summary page. (understanding that some rare cases will have multiple functions)
Paul - Voiced concern about abstracting from an analogous entity in WormBase.
Remove current brief_identifications in favor of New as they are approx 10 years old.
Raymond - Should take this as a base and build up
ncRNAs ?? need to add some (source)
Need to conduct an auditing exercise to asses Uniprot and look for peculiarities
Then we can asses where to best place them and explore uses.
Grant review
- Grant reviewed next week
- Scores by the following weekend
- Critiques will take approximately a month
Paul S. - Feeling confident as 2 of 3 grants submitted at same time already turned down.
Todd update
1) WS236 available on staging
2) Refine strategy on how code etc. is workflowed
Help people understand procedure (transparency)
More info here: http://wiki.wormbase.org/index.php/Development_workflow_-_webdev
3) Testing step where bug fixes can show up on staging.
Abstract submissions for IWM 2013
Open now until end April 12th
Workshop co-ordination - Michael?
Kevin asked what was going to be in workshop.
Not Talks - More of a traditional workshop
Todd - revert to the old days
Have a room that is manned with computers where people can come along and ask for real help.
Need to find out about layout of conference
Todd offered to talk to organisers and work out best place/if possible Rotate staff - to
More questions and answer session rather than just talks, give users a forum to air issues that they have.
Michael suggested - Changing Topics
Practical sessions Mine Website etc.
WormBase tent/cubicle in the poster sessions (give a more private arena for discussion)
Small scale data issues (Paul github tickets)
Lots of issues but all small scale Difficult to remove, curators
Disease data in for WS237
Ranjana has added lots For Todd and Abby
Re-visit the disease widget
JD Mine Data load deadline
Pushed back to May 1st.
Meeting was closed at 17:07 GMT
Additional Items Not discussed
- Should we change it so database info only comes in through Hinxton?
- Clarify the communication path for how the web team needs to be notified about new database URL links and what is the new technology for making these links to other websites?