WBConfCall 2013.01.24-Agenda and Minutes
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1. Model changes
- Chris: Model changes in support of deletion of gene regulation and YH classes; deadline not for a few weeks.
- Postponed until after the SAB meeting.
- Karen needs to do some changes for the transgene model.
- CG: Dead gene / historical gene tag
- To handle dead genes, scripts at Caltech that recognize them; replace with new gene
- Interactions, transgenes, others
- KH: Website dynamically replace genes with live ones
- Dead genes have tags pointing to the new gene; Splits do not
- AC: will slow down web code since we don't currently check each gene
- (discussion on splits/merges etc)
- CG: How to handle splits: does a curator make a judgement call and replace (and thereby lose history?)
- RL: Where is the data handled? Caltech, OICR, Hinxton.
- PD: Handling splits: should this be via a curator form: notify curator that they then handle on a case by case basis.
Nameserver discussion.
- Realtime updates
- Everything merged or died, handled manually.
- Chris will continue discussion with stakeholders. Leaning towards implementing at curatorial database.
2. SAB issues / announcements
- Paul S.'s list of questions for AB (email thread: draft questions for advisors: pls add/edit)
- Agenda