Advisory Board
Jim Kent (UCSC)
Oliver Hobert (Columbia P&S)
Julie Ahringer (University of Cambridge)
Jason Stajich (UC Riverside)
Robin Gasser (University of Melbourn)
Raffi Aroian (UCSD)
Meeting times & location
Caltech - Pasadena.
Rooms: SAB meeting @ Millikan board room; pre-meeting, most likely @Kerchorff, 101
Coffee / Lunch breaks
SAB Monday night buffet style dinner @ Morgan Library, second floor of Kerchorff.
Comments from previous meeting 2011
SAB meeting would benefit from an overview at the start, or before the meeting.
- We should send them the progress section from the NIH grant application
Thanked us for an entertaining day of talks, but felt that we didn't use them enough.
The SAB wanted a list of questions to be answered.
Each site should prepare talks, possibly not everyone as in previous years?
Should aim to highlight key achievements to establish background, but then concentrate on where we are going. Could propose alternatives?
Caltech weekly meeting on 01/17/2013 discussed some possible presentations:
- Chris' will present flagging and curation pipeline overview
- Human relevance
- Diseases, disease ontology
- "Spontaneous" updates to DB/website? Mirrors?
- Processes and pathways
- Transcription Regulatory Networks
- Show Cytoscape view of regulatory interactions
- Show GBrowse with PWMs, for example
- Cytoscape cell lineage?
- BioTapestry
- Cytoscape network filters? (temporal, spatial, process)
- OICR and Hinxton will present first
- Kimberly can present on LEGO
- GO curation pipeline
- Future plans
- Community Annotation
Other meeting details
What might WormBase want to do in the future?
- curational priorities
- Officially drop tier II (re-think historical priorities)
Currently Tier II gene curation is on a response basis, should we maintain this level Curation of other non-elegans data (RNASeq/expression profiling/Orthology prediction and data transfer), should we continue to build on this?
What does WormBase need to discuss amongst ourselves? (Pre-meeting)
- web features for next 1-2 years (brain storm)
- new data
- community annotation plans, prioritizing types by efficacy
concise descriptions
- Displays/tools
- IWM 2013
- Who will be attending
- Plans
- Proposed talks
- HelpDesk
- Free Gifts
- Workshop
- Comparative genomics - dedicated session
- Hinxton/EBI
Paul D. Kevin Paul K. Michael Gary W.
LHR-LAX Saturday 2012-01-26 15:00 (18:05)
LAX-LHR Tuesday 2012-01-29 20:40 (Wednesday 14:15)
- Caltech (non-pasadena)