Paper ID conversion CGI
The Paper ID Conversion CGI is an online tool for curators to convert paper IDs in bulk to other IDs. The tool also may output paper titles from a list of input paper IDs. The tool accepts WormBase Paper IDs (e.g. WBPaper00012345), PubMed IDs (pmid12345678) or digital object identifiers (DOIs). The form may be found here:
The CGI looks like this:
A user must specify which identifier types will be used as input to the form (only one ID type can be processed at a time). The IDs may then be pasted into the search box. WBPaper IDs may have the "WBPaper" prefix but do not need it. Likewise, the PubMed IDs may be entered with a "pmid" prefix (no colon) or simply as the ID number alone. DOIs need to be entered in full. A user may then specify which output data they would like to see, including WBPaper ID, PubMed ID (pmid), DOI and/or paper title. For example, a series of WBPaper IDs may be entered like this:
Clicking on the "reset source IDs" button will simply clear the search box. Once the user has clicked on the "ConvertPaperIdentifiers" button at the bottom of the form, a user will be presented with a results table. Here is the results table (with all four columns) for the example WBPaper ID example list above: