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Tuesday Oct 8th, 10:30am, Food court
Status (AC)
Intermine (JW)
- all sources ran successfully
- mine build - no post-processing
- generating dna sequences having trouble
Visualisations (JB)
- Gary feedback - will add species/strain/lifestage/etc...
- will be included in analysis name
- will be in Ace
- will work on sorting and display
Issues (JW)
- #1603 - Pseudogene page
- #741- lineage browser
- delivered to Chris - waiting for feedback
- might be production ready
- adopt styles (rounded corners)
- #1602 - sequence summary
- #662 - Variation display
Intermine Training (JW, JB)
- going through documentation
- updating as he goes through
- biggest issues - doesn't have a machine right now
- dev machine busy
- looking at copying database
- on hold till WS240
GBrowse tests
- regenerated reference set
- everything fine but tier II or III species