GFF2 features
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Jump to navigationJump to searchThis page describes genomic annotations found in WormBase's GFF2 genome feature tables.
ALLELE:. | 14814 |
cDNA_match:BLAT_mRNA_BEST | 24512 |
cDNA_match:BLAT_mRNA_OTHER | 8559 |
CDS:curated | 23273 |
CDS:Genefinder | 21182 |
CDS:GeneMarkHMM | 24016 |
CDS:history | 8893 |
CDS:mSplicer_orf | 26582 |
CDS:mSplicer_transcript | 26582 |
CDS:twinscan | 21681 |
Clone_left_end:. | 2795 |
Clone_right_end:. | 2708 |
coding_exon:Coding_transcript | 169128 |
coding_exon:curated | 148639 |
coding_exon:Genefinder | 133896 |
coding_exon:GeneMarkHMM | 132967 |
coding_exon:history | 64715 |
coding_exon:mSplicer_orf | 168585 |
coding_exon:mSplicer_transcript | 171688 |
coding_exon:Transposon_CDS | 532 |
coding_exon:twinscan | 124073 |
complex_change_in_nucleotide_sequence:Allele | 1181 |
deletion:Allele | 3215 |
EST_match:BLAT_EST_BEST | 936193 |
EST_match:BLAT_EST_OTHER | 459402 |
exon:Coding_transcript | 173812 |
exon:curated | 148639 |
exon:Genefinder | 133896 |
exon:GeneMarkHMM | 132967 |
exon:history | 65140 |
exon:miRNA | 140 |
exon:mSplicer_orf | 168585 |
exon:mSplicer_transcript | 171688 |
exon:ncRNA | 39 |
exon:Non_coding_transcript | 539 |
exon:Pseudogene | 3438 |
exon:rRNA | 8 |
exon:scRNA | 1 |
exon:snlRNA | 4 |
exon:snoRNA | 128 |
exon:snRNA | 82 |
exon:Transposon | 2 |
exon:Transposon_CDS | 532 |
exon:tRNA | 22 |
exon:tRNAscan-SE-1.23 | 637 |
exon:twinscan | 124073 |
experimental_result_region:cDNA_for_RNAi | 2828 |
experimental_result_region:Expr_profile | 17360 |
expressed_sequence_match:BLAT_OST_BEST | 106072 |
expressed_sequence_match:BLAT_OST_OTHER | 106158 |
five_prime_UTR:Coding_transcript | 16816 |
gene:curated | 19754 |
gene:gene | 22364 |
gene:landmark | 113 |
gmap_span:absolute_pmap_position | The absolute coordinates of genetic map features that have been placed onto the physical map (ie cloned loci) |
gmap_span:interpolated_pmap_position | The estimated maximal extents for genetic loci interpolated into phsyical map coordinates. Coordinates are established based on two- and three-factor mapping data. |
insertion:Allele | 21 |
intron:. | 1016 |
intron:Coding_transcript | 147048 |
intron:curated | 125366 |
intron:Genefinder | 112714 |
intron:history | 56150 |
intron:ncRNA | 2 |
intron:Non_coding_transcript | 433 |
intron:Pseudogene | 2227 |
intron:Transposon | 1 |
intron:Transposon_CDS | 292 |
intron:twinscan | 102393 |
inverted_repeat:inverted | 99252 |
miRanda:binding_site | 61431 |
miRNA_primary_transcript:miRNA | 140 |
misc_feature:binding_site | 154 |
Motif:translated_feature | 138683 |
motif_segment:translated_feature | 293694 |
nc_primary_transcript:Non_coding_transcript | 106 |
ncRNA_primary_transcript:ncRNA | 37 |
nucleotide_match:BLAT_ncRNA_BEST | 51 |
nucleotide_match:BLAT_ncRNA_OTHER | 5 |
nucleotide_match:BLAT_TC1_BEST | 1076 |
nucleotide_match:BLAT_TC1_OTHER | 4247 |
nucleotide_match:TEC_RED | 8793 |
nucleotide_match:waba_coding | 289860 |
nucleotide_match:waba_strong | 378414 |
nucleotide_match:waba_weak | 938690 |
oligo:. | 45160 |
operon:operon | 1123 |
PCR_product:GenePair_STS | 46249 |
PCR_product:Orfeome | 19389 |
PCR_product:Promoterome | 6598 |
PicTar:binding_site | 5917 |
polyA_signal_sequence:polyA_signal_sequence | 2454 |
polyA_site:polyA_site | 3028 |
processed_transcript:gene | 20573 |
protein_coding_primary_transcript:Coding_transcript | 7 |
protein_match:wublastx | 1247517 |
Pseudogene:history | 66 |
Pseudogene:Pseudogene | 1210 |
reagent:Expr_pattern | 2230 |
reagent:Oligo_set | 83900 |
region:Genbank | 3267 |
region:Genomic_canonical | 3267 |
region:Link | 25 |
region:Vancouver_fosmid | 12869 |
repeat_region:RepeatMasker | 77966 |
RNAi_reagent:RNAi_primary | 139291 |
RNAi_reagent:RNAi_secondary | 14131 |
RNAz:ncRNA | 3672 |
rRNA_primary_transcript:rRNA | 8 |
SAGE_tag:SAGE_tag | 85639 |
SAGE_tag:SAGE_tag_genomic_unique | 70768 |
SAGE_tag:SAGE_tag_most_three_prime | 8455 |
SAGE_tag:SAGE_tag_unambiguously_mapped | 72695 |
scRNA_primary_transcript:scRNA | 1 |
Sequence:. | 3 |
sequence_variant:Allele | 1 |
SL1_acceptor_site:SL1 | 7664 |
SL2_acceptor_site:SL2 | 2053 |
snoRNA_primary_transcript:snoRNA | 128 |
SNP:Allele | 15058 |
snRNA_primary_transcript:snRNA | 82 |
substitution:Allele | 1940 |
tandem_repeat:tandem | 38996 |
three_prime_UTR:Coding_transcript | 14305 |
Transcript:Coding_transcript | 26757 |
Transcript:history | 32 |
Transcript:snlRNA | 4 |
translated_nucleotide_match:BLAT_NEMATODE | 917760 |
translated_nucleotide_match:BLAT_NEMBASE | 447492 |
translated_nucleotide_match:BLAT_WASHU | 845075 |
translated_nucleotide_match:mass_spec_genome | 55225 |
transposable_element:Transposon | 99 |
transposable_element:Transposon_CDS | 240 |
transposable_element_insertion_site:Allele | 1503 |
transposable_element_insertion_site:Mos_insertion_allele | 5099 |
tRNA_primary_transcript:tRNA | 22 |
tRNA_primary_transcript:tRNAscan-SE-1.23 | 608 |