Category:Development (Web Dev)
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Development (Web Dev)
- Setting up your development environment -- How to set up your development environment on
- Developer Resources at WormBase -- Available developer resources, including the shared development space
- WormBase Release Workflow -- Project-wide schedule that documents what is happening when and where. (original wiki version)
- Formal Development Strategy (a.k.a Development workflow - webdev) -- An overview of the development process at WormBase
<categorytree mode=pages>Development General (Web Dev)</categorytree>
- Software Life Cycle
- Software Life Cycle: 1. Build -- Preparing a new release for the website
- Software Life Cycle: 2. Software development period|Software development period - Once a new database has been staged, the development phase begins in earnest on private development sites
- Software Life Cycle: 3. QA/QC and Performance Benchmarking - Integrating changes and staging the code for QA/QC and performance testing prior to deployment
- Software Life Cycle: 4. Production -- Deploying a new release to production
Main Website (Web Dev)
- Application overview - An overview of the web application, including MVC structure, request flow, caching, etc
<categorytree mode=pages >Main Website (Web Dev)</categorytree>
GBrowse (Web Dev)
<categorytree mode=pages> GBrowse (Web Dev) </categorytree>
Mobile Website (Web Dev)
<categorytree mode=pages>Mobile Website (Web Dev)</categorytree>
QA (Web Dev)
Developers care about quality! <categorytree mode=pages>QA (Web Dev)</categorytree>
Architecture (Web Dev)
Architecture category deals with Installations, Setting up and Configuring systems (particularly the more complex and less common ones).
For routine tasks, refer to category: Maintenance (Web Dev). <categorytree mode=pages>Architecture (Web Dev)</categorytree>
This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.