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The following table of Balancers has been adapted from the WormBook Chapter Genetic Balancers by Mark L. Edgley, David L. Baillie,2, Donald L. Riddle, and Ann M. Rose.

Rearrangement Descriptions References
eDp6(III;f) Summary: Free duplication, moderately well characterized, not observed to recombine with normal homologs. Very effective balancer for right portion of LG III from right end through tra-1 and vab-7.

Origin/Mutagen: Acetaldehyde mutagenesis.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain maintenance.
Reference strain: CB1517, eDf2 III; eDp6(III;f).
Phenotype: Unc-119.
Segregants: Unc-119.
Handling: Unc phenotype of reference strain is characteristic of the combination of two copies of eDf2 and one copy of eDp6. This is due to deletion of the unc-119 locus by eDf2 and incomplete complementation of the deletion by the duplication (D. Pilgrim and M. Maduro, pers. comm.).

Hodgkin, J. (1980; 1987); Hunter, C.P., and Wood, W.B., 1990.
eT1(III;V) Summary: Reciprocal translocation, well characterized, extremely stable. Very effective balancer for left portion of LG V from left end through unc-23, and right portion of LG III from right end to unc-36. eT1(III) is LG V (left) translocated to LG III (left), disjoins from normal LG III. eT1(V) is LG III (right) translocated to LG V (right), disjoins from normal LG V. Zhao et al. reports the sequence of the physical breakpoint of eT1 on chromosome V (the breakpoint of eT1 chromosome III is in the unc-36 gene).

Origin/Mutagen: 32P mutagenesis of N2.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain construction, strain maintenance, mutant screens.
Reference strain: BC2200, dpy-18(e364)/eT1 III; unc-46(e177)/eT1 V.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Unc-36 eT1 homozygotes, Dpy-18 Unc-46, and large numbers of arrested aneuploid progeny.
Growth characteristics: Original isolate homozygous viable with Unc-36 phenotype caused by the translocation breakpoint. Brood size in heterozygotes ~ 100, in homozygotes ~160. eT1 homozygotes can overgrow a population, especially in balanced strains carrying certain lethal mutations or deficiencies.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Heterozygous male stocks mate well.|
Marked variants- Morphological: eT1[bli-5(s277)]/eT1 [dpy-11(s287)], eT1[sma-2(s262)], eT1[sma-3(e491)], eT1[unc-42(e270)].
Marked variants- Lethal: eT1[let-500(s2165)].

Rosenbluth, R.E., and Baillie, D.L., 1981; Rosenbluth, R.E., Cuddeford, C., and Baillie, D.L. (1983; 1985); McKim, K.S., Howell, A.M., and Rose, A.M., 1988; Nelson, G.A., Schubert, W.W., Marshall, T.M., Benton, E.R., and Benton, E.V., 1989; Adames, K.A., Gawne, J., Wicky, C., Muller, F., and Rose, A.M., 1998. Zhao, Y., Lai, K., Cheung, I., Youds, J., Tarailo, M., Tarailo, S., and Rose, A.M.,2006.
hIn1(I) Summary: Inversion, well characterized, very stable. Very effective balancer for right portion of LG I from unc-75 through unc-54. Extreme right end of chromosome apparently not balanced.

Origin/Mutagen: Gamma irradiation of N2 males.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain construction, strain maintenance, mutant screens.
Reference strain: KR2267, hIn1[unc-54(h1040)]/unc-75(e950) unc-101(m1) I.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Unc-54 hIn1 homozygotes, Unc-75 Unc-101.
Growth characteristics: Original isolate homozygous viable with wild-type phenotype; unc-54 mutation in the reference strain was induced secondarily. Brood size similar to N2 as homozygote and as heterozygote.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Heterozygous males, and homozygous males of original isolate, mate well. Very rare recombination can occur, which generates deficiencies and duplications.
Marked variants- Morphological: hIn1[unc-54(h1040)], hIn1[unc-101(sy241)].
Marked variants- Lethal: hIn1[unc-75(h1041)], hIn1[unc-75(h1042)], hIn1[unc-54(h1040) unc-75(h1041)].
Derivatives: hDf11, hDf12, hDp131, hDp132.

Lee, J., Jongeward, G.D., and Sternberg, P.W., 1994; Zetka, M.C., and Rose, A.M., 1992.
hT1(I;V) Summary: Reciprocal translocation, well characterized, very stable. Very effective balancer for left portion of LG I from the left end through let-80, and the left portion of LG V from the left end through dpy-11. hT1(I) is LG V (left) translocated to LG I (right), disjoins from normal LG I. hT1(V) is LG I (left) translocated to LG V (right), disjoins from normal LG V.

Origin/Mutagen: Gamma irradiation of unc-23 + / + unc-42 males.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain maintenance, mutant screens.
Reference strain: KR1037, unc-13(e51)/hT1 I; dpy-11(e224)/hT1[unc-42(e270)] V.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, arrested hT1 homozygotes, Unc-13 Dpy-11, and large numbers of arrested aneuploid progeny. Recombination occurs occasionally between the hT1 breakpoint and unc-42 on hT1(V), giving rise to Unc-42 animals. These are of genotype unc-13(e51)/hT1 I; dpy-11(e224) unc-42(e270)/hT1[unc-42(e270)]V.
Growth characteristics: Homozygous inviable, cause unknown. Arrests at L3. Brood size in heterozygotes ~75.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Heterozygous males mate well. Rare exceptional progeny carry one half-translocation as a complex free duplication. Recombination frequency in the unbalanced unc-101 - unc-54 interval on LG I is increased twofold.
Marked variants: hT1[unc-29(e403)].
Derivatives: hDp133(I;V;f).

McKim, K.S., Howell, A.M., and Rose, A.M., 1988; Howell, A.M., and Rose, A.M., 1990.
hT2(I;III) Summary: Reciprocal translocation, well characterized, stable. Effective balancer for left portion of LG I from left end through unc-101, and right portion of LG III from right end through dpy-17. hT2(I) is LG III (right) translocated to LG I (right), disjoins from normal LG I. hT2(III) is LG I (left) translocated to LG III (left), disjoins from normal LG III.

Origin/Mutagen: Gamma irradiation of bli-4(e937)I males.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain maintenance.
Reference strain: KR1235, unc-13(e51)/hT2 I; dpy-18(e364)/hT2[bli-4(e937)] III.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Bli-4 hT2 homozygotes, Unc-13 Dpy-18, and large numbers of arrested aneuploid progeny.
Growth characteristics: Original isolate homozygous viable with Bli-4 phenotype.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Heterozygous males, and homozygous males of original isolate, mate well. Homozygous Bli-4 phenotype completely suppressed in dpy-5 and dpy-18 variants. Rare exceptional progeny carry one half-translocation as a complex free duplication. Mutations have been observed to become unbalanced at low frequency, but the mechanism is not fully understood. The dpy-18(h662) variant is very mildly Dpy as a homozygote. hT2[bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] carries an integrated pharyngeal GFP element; the lethal mutation in this variant has been observed to recombine away, leaving hT2[bli-4(e937) qIs48] that apparently retains balancer activity.
Marked variants: hT2[dpy-5(h659)], hT2[dpy-18(h662)], hT2[unc-54(e190)], hT2[bli-4(e937) unc-29(h1011)], hT2[dpy-18(h662) unc-59(e261)], hT2[bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48].
Derivatives: hDp134 (I;III;f).

McKim, K.S., Peters, K., and Rose, A.M., 1993; J. Kimble, pers. comm.
hT3(I;X) Summary: Translocation (rigorous proof of reciprocity lacking), moderately well characterized, very stable. Very effective balancer for left portion of LG I from left end to around let-363, and the right portion of LG X from the right end to between dpy-7 and unc-3. hT3(I), which disjoins from normal LG I, is probably LG X (right) translocated to LG I (right). hT3(X),which disjoins from normal LG X, is probably LG I (left) translocated to LG X (left).

Origin/Mutagen: Gamma irradiation mutagenesis of dpy-5(e61) unc-29(e403)/hT2[dpy-18(h662)] I; +/hT2[bli-4(e937)] III. Isolated as a lethal mutation balanced by hT2, now maintained as a homozygote balanced by szDp1.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain maintenance.
Reference strain: KR1879, hT3[dpy-5(e61) unc-29(e403)](I;X); szDp1(I;X;f).
Phenotype: Unc-29 (szDp1 complements dpy-5 but not unc-29).
Segregants: Unc-29, arrested hT3 homozygotes.
Growth characteristics: Original isolate marked with dpy-5 and unc-29. Homozygous inviable, probably breaks in let-363 (I). Heterozygotes exhibit reduced viability, low level of X chromosome nondisjunction (1.2%).
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Rare exceptional progeny carry one half-translocation as a free duplication. Recombination frequency in unbalanced intervals increased on both LG I and LG X.
Marked variants: hT3[dpy-5(e61)].
Derivatives: hDp135(I;X;f).

McKim, K.S., Peters, K., and Rose, A.M., 1993.
mIn1(II) Summary: Inversion, well characterized, very stable. Very effective balancer for center portion of LG II from lin-31 through rol-1.

Origin/Mutagen:Gamma irradiation of dpy-10(e128)/unc-85(e1414) rol-1(e91)II.
Recommended use:General balancing, strain construction, strain maintenance, mutant screens.
Reference strain: DR1785, mIn1[dpy-10(e128)]/unc-4(e120)II.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Dpy-10 mIn1 homozygotes, Unc-4.
Growth characteristics: Original isolate marked with dpy-10(e128). Brood size similar to N2 as heterozygote. Homozygotes do not survive freezing well.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Heterozygous males mate well. mIn1[dpy-10(e128) mIs14] carries an integrated pharyngeal GFP element; expression is semi-dominant, such that one copy of mIs14 can be distinguished from two by GFP signal brightness. REARRANGEMENT may have occurred in the integration event, as lethal mutations in the far left extent of the balanced region are not as stable over the GFP variant as they are over the original mIn1.
Marked variants- Morphological: mIn1[unc-4(e120) dpy-10(e128)], mIn1(+), mIn1[unc-4(e120)], mIn1[rol-1(e91)], mIn1[rol-1(e91) dpy-10(e128)], mIn1[dpy-10(e128) mIs14(myo-2::GFP)].
Marked variants- Lethal: mIn1[dpy-10(e128) let-?(m727)].

Edgley, M.L., and Riddle, D.L., 2001.
mnC1(II) Summary: Dominant crossover suppressor, uncharacterized with regard to structure, very stable. Very effective balancer for right portion of LG II from around dpy-10 to around unc-52.

Origin/Mutagen: X-ray mutagenesis of unc-4/dpy-10 unc-52.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain construction, strain maintenance, mutant screens.
Reference strain: SP127, unc-4(e120)/mnC1[dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)].
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Unc-4, Dpy-10 Unc-52 mnC1 homozygotes. The homozygotes are short, fat, and paralyzed, whereas the Unc-4 segregants are large and healthy and move forward well, but cannot back up.
Growth characteristics: Homozygotes viable with extremely small broods (average: 7 progeny). Brood size in heterozygotes ~200, with 100% egg hatching.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Heterozygous male stocks mate well. Very rare recombination gives rise to Dpy non-Unc and Unc non-Dpy progeny. The recombinant chromosomes carried by these progeny are homozygous lethal.

Herman, R.K., 1978; Sigurdson, D.C., Spanier, G.J., and Herman, R.K., 1984.
mnDp1(X;V) Summary: Translocated duplication, well characterized, does not recombine with normal homologues. Very effective balancer for right portion of LG X from right end through let-4.

Origin/Mutagen: ~7500-R X-ray mutagenesis of N2 males.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain construction, strain maintenance, mutant screens.
Reference strain: SP219, mnDp1(X;V)/+ V; unc-3(e151)X.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Unc-3, sterile mnDp1 homozygotes.
Growth characteristics: Brood size of reference strain ~235. Unc-3 progeny constitute 25% of total, and about a third of total are slow-growing, sterile duplication homozygotes.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Males mate well. mnDp1 is attached to LG V near the left end, and severely reduces recombination frequency from unc-60 to dpy-11.

Herman, R.K., Albertson, D.G., and Brenner, S., 1976; Herman, R.K., Madl, J.E., and Kari, C.K., 1979; Meneely P.M., and Herman, R.K., 1981.
mnDp3(X;f) Summary: Free duplication, well characterized, does not recombine with normal LG X. Effective balancer for right portion of LG X from around the right end through unc-9.

Origin/Mutagen: ~7500-R X-ray mutagenesis of N2 males.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain construction, strain maintenance.
Reference strain: SP123, unc-3(e151)X; mnDp3(X;f).
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Unc-3.
Growth characteristics: Brood size ~275, duplication transmitted to ~65% of progeny.
Handlng: Easy to manipulate. Males carrying duplication mate well. Shows some tendency for somatic loss. Marked variant

Herman, R.K., Albertson, D.G., and Brenner, S., 1976; Herman, R.K., Madl, J.E., and Kari, C.K., 1979; Herman, R.K., 1984.
mnDp10(X;I) Summary: Translocated duplication, well characterized, does not recombine with normal LG X. Effective balancer for right portion of LG X from around the right end through lin-2.

Origin/Mutagen: ~7500-R X-ray mutagenesis of N2 males.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain construction, strain maintenance.<
Reference strain: SP117, mnDp10(X;I); unc-3(e151)X.
Phentoype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, rare Unc-3.
Growth characteristics: Duplication is homozygous viable. Unc-3 animals arise from somatic loss of duplication.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Males carrying the duplication mate well. mnDp10 shows some tendency to segregate from the X chromosome in male spermatogenesis.

Herman, R.K., Madl, J.E., and Kari, C.K., 1979; Meneely P.M., and Herman, R.K., 1981.
mnDp33(X;IV) Summary: Translocated duplication, well characterized, does not recombine with normal X. Effective balancer for small region of left portion of LG X, from lin-18 to osm-5 (inclusive).

Origin/Mutagen: ~7500 R X-ray mutagenesis of N2 males.
Recommended use: General balancing; strain construction, strain maintenance.
Reference strain: SP309, mnDp33(X;IV); unc-20(e112)X.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Unc-20, arrested L1 or L2 larvae (duplication homozygotes).
Growth characteristics: Homozygous inviable. ~100% egg hatching, but 25% arrest.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Males carrying the duplication mate well.

Herman, R.K., Madl, J.E., and Kari, C.K., 1979.
mnDp34(II) Summary: mnDp34-36 are independently isolated free duplications with apparently identical genetic extents. Well characterized, do not recombine with normal homologues. Very effective balancers for right portion of LG II from around unc-52 through unc-53.

Origin/Mutagen ~7500-R X-ray mutagenesis of mnC1[dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)]/ unc-4(e120).
Recommended use:General balancing, strain maintenance.
Reference strain: SP306, mnC1[dpy-10 unc-52]/unc-4 unc-52; mnDp34.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Dpy-l0 Unc-52 (mnC1[dpy-10 unc-52] homozygotes), Unc-52 (unc-4 unc-52 homozygotes and mnC1[dpy-10 unc-52]/unc-4 unc-52), Unc-4 (unc-4 unc-52; mnDpx), Dpy-l0 (mnC1[dpy-10 unc-52]; mnDpx).
Growth characteristics: Egg hatching nearly 100%. About 20% of these arrest development as early larvae, and are presumably duplication homozygotes. The duplications are transmitted to about 40% of progeny.
Handling: These duplications tend to segregate from the X chromosome in male spermatogenesis.

Herman, R.K., Madl, J.E., and Kari, C.K., 1979.
mnDp35(II) Summary: mnDp34-36 are independently isolated free duplications with apparently identical genetic extents. Well characterized, do not recombine with normal homologues. Very effective balancers for right portion of LG II from around unc-52 through unc-53.

Origin: ~7500-R X-ray mutagenesis of mnC1[dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)]/ unc-4(e120).
Recommended use: General balancing, strain maintenance.
Reference strain: SP307, mnC1[dpy-10 unc-52]/unc-4 unc-52; mnDp35.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Dpy-l0 Unc-52 (mnC1[dpy-10 unc-52] homozygotes), Unc-52 (unc-4 unc-52 homozygotes and mnC1[dpy-10 unc-52]/unc-4 unc-52), Unc-4 (unc-4 unc-52; mnDpx), Dpy-l0 (mnC1[dpy-10 unc-52]; mnDpx).
Growth characteristics: Egg hatching nearly 100%. About 20% of these arrest development as early larvae, and are presumably duplication homozygotes. The duplications are transmitted to about 40% of progeny.
Handling: These duplications tend to segregate from the X chromosome in male spermatogenesis.

Herman, R.K., Madl, J.E., and Kari, C.K., 1979.
mnDp36(II) Summary: mnDp34-36 are independently isolated free duplications with apparently identical genetic extents. Well characterized, do not recombine with normal homologues. Very effective balancers for right portion of LG II from around unc-52 through unc-53.

Origin/Mutagen: ~7500-R X-ray mutagenesis of mnC1[dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)]/ unc-4(e120).
Recommended use: General balancing, strain maintenance.
Reference strain:SP308, mnC1[dpy-10 unc-52]/unc-4 unc-52; mnDp36.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Dpy-l0 Unc-52 (mnC1[dpy-10 unc-52] homozygotes), Unc-52 (unc-4 unc-52 homozygotes and mnC1[dpy-10 unc-52]/unc-4 unc-52), Unc-4 (unc-4 unc-52; mnDpx), Dpy-l0 (mnC1[dpy-10 unc-52]; mnDpx).
Growth characteristics: Egg hatching nearly 100%. About 20% of these arrest development as early larvae, and are presumably duplication homozygotes. The duplications are transmitted to about 40% of progeny.
Handling: These duplications tend to segregate from the X chromosome in male spermatogenesis.

Herman, R.K., Madl, J.E., and Kari, C.K., 1979.
mnT10(V;X) Summary: An X:autosome reciprocal translocation consisting of half-translocations that recombines with V and X. Either half-translocation of mnT10 can exist in heterozygous form in the absence of the other to give heterozygous duplication-deficiency animals. The separable half-translocations are designated mnT10(V) and mnTI0(X). mnT10(X) contains a dominant Him phenotype that maps near dpy-3. mnTl0(X) shows about sevenfold reduced recombination with a normal X in the dpy-3 to unc-6 interval, whereas mnT10(V) recombines readily with LGV.

Origin/Mutagen: EMS
Reference strain: SP486.
Phenotype: Him
Segregants: Him: nullo-X and diplo-X ova.

Herman et al., 1982; Kelly et al., 2002; Sigurdson et al., 1986
mnT11(II;X) Summary: Disjoins from the normal II, ova carrying mnT11 alone when fertilized by nullo-X sperm will give rise to inviable zygotes. Recombinantion is reduced to 1% in the dpy-3 to unc-3 interval. This rearrangement is a half-translocation, which along with mnDp11 comprises mnT2.

Origin/Mutagen: EMS
Reference strain: SP400.
Phenotype: Dominant Him. Viable in the absence of mnDpIl when a normal II and a normal X are present.
Segregants: Him.

Herman et al., 1982
mT1(II;III) Summary: Reciprocal translocation, well characterized, very stable. Very effective balancer for right portion of LG II from the right end through dpy-10, and the right portion of LG III from the right end to between daf-2 and unc-93. mT1(II) is probably LGII (right) translocated to LG III (left), disjoins from normal LG III. mT1(III) is probably LG III (right) translocated to LG II (left), disjoins from normal LG II.

Origin/Mutagen: Gamma irradiation of dpy-10(e128)/unc-85(e1414) rol-1(e91) II.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain maintenance, mutant screens.
Reference strain: DR1832, mT1/unc-4(e120)II; mT1[dpy-10(e128)]/dpy-17(e164)III.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, sterile Dpy mT1 homozygotes, Unc-4 Dpy-17, and large numbers of arrested aneuploid progeny.
Growth characteristics: Original isolate marked with dpy-10(e128). Translocation probably breaks in an essential gene, as mT1 homozygotes are sterile.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Heterozygous males mate reasonably well.

Edgley, M.L., and Riddle, D.L., 2001.
nT1(IV;V) Summary: Translocation, moderately well characterized, very stable. Very effective balancer for right portion of LG IV from right end through unc-17, and for left portion of LG V from left end through unc-76.

Origin/Mutagen: Spontaneous.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain maintenance, mutant screens.
Reference strain: MTl000, unc-5(e53)/nTl IV; dpy-11(e224)/nTl V.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, vulvaless nT1 homozygotes that become bags of worms, Unc-5 Dpy-11, and large numbers of arrested aneuploid progeny.
Growth characteristics: Brood size in nT1 heterozygotes ~100.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Heterozygous males mate well. Vulvaless homozygous hermaphrodites completely unable to mate. Cause of vulvaless phenotype unknown. Translocation may break down spontaneously, but analysis of such events is lacking. Heterozygous strains occasionally begin to segregate large numbers of sick-looking progeny while appearing to remain heterozygous, or they occasionally begin to give larger broods (Schein and Baillie, unpublished results). nT1[qIs51] carries an integrated pharyngeal GFP element, and is homozygous inviable; this variant appears to be transferred to male cross progeny more frequently than to hermaphrodite cross progeny.
Marked variants: nT1[unc(n754dm) let] (previously called DnT1, dominant Unc, recessive Let); nT1[qIs51]; nTl[let(m435)].

Ferguson, E.L., and Horvitz, H.R., 1985; Clark, D.V., Rogalski, T.M., Donati, L.M., and Baillie, D.L., 1988; Rogalski, T.M., and Riddle, D.L., 1988; J. Kimble, pers. comm.
qC1(III) Summary: Dominant crossover suppressor, uncharacterized with regard to structure, very stable. Very effective balancer for the left portion of LG III from tra-1 to at least dpy-1.

Origin/Mutagen: 7200-R gamma-irradiation mutagenesis of unc-32(e189)/dpy-19(e1259).
Recommended use: General balancing, strain maintenance.
Reference strain: JK1122, dpy-17(e164) unc-32(e189)/qC1[dpy-19(e1259) glp-1(q339)] III.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Dpy-17 Unc-32 homozygotes, sterile ts Dpy-19.
Handling: Relatively easy to manipulate. Heterozygous males mate and transfer qC1, though perhaps at low frequency. qC1 fails to complement glp-1 and mog-1 mutations.
Marked variants: qC1[dpy-19(e1259) glp-1(q339) qIs26].

Austin, J., and Kimble, J., 1989; J. Austin, E. Goodwin, and J. Kimble, pers. comm.; Ha and Baillie, unpublished results.
sC1(III) Summary: Dominant crossover suppressor, uncharacterized with regard to structure, very stable. Very effective balancer for an approximately 15-mu portion of LG III from around unc-45 to near daf-2.

Origin/Mutagen: 2000-R gamma-irradiation mutagenesis of N2 males.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain maintenance, mutant screens.
Reference strain: BC4279, sC1[dpy-1 (s2170)] III.
Phenotype: Dpy-1.
Segregants: Dpy-1 (homozygous strain).
Growth characteristics: Original isolate wild type. Broods approximately wild type in size.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Heterozygous males, and homozygous males of original isolate, mate well.
Marked variants: sC1[dpy-1(s2171)]; sC1[dpy-1(s2171) let].

Stewart and Baillie, unpublished results.
sC4(V) Summary: Dominant crossover suppressor, uncharacterized with regard to structure, moderately stable. Balances right portion of LG V from rol-9 to unc-76.

Origin/Mutagen: 2000-R gamma-irradiation mutagenesis of dpy-21/unc-76 rol-9.
Recommended use: General balancing.
Reference strain: BC4586, sC4[dpy-21]/unc-76 rol-9.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Unc-76 Rol-9, arrested sC4 homozygotes. Presence of dpy-21 on sC4 not confirmed.
Growth characteristics: Homozygous inviable. Average brood size 117. Cause of homozygous lethal phenotype unknown. unc-76 - rol-9 genetic distance reduced to 1.8%.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Heterozygous males mate well.

Stewart and Baillie, unpublished results.
sDp2(I;f) Summary: Free duplication, well characterized, does not recombine with normal homologues. Very effective balancer for the left portion of LG I from the left end through unc-15 (just left of unc-13).

Origin/Mutagen: 7500-R gamma-irradiation mutagenesis of N2 males.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain maintenance, mutant screens.
Reference strain: KR236, dpy-5(e61) unc-13(e450)I; sDp2(I,f).
Phenotype: Unc-13.
Segregants: Unc-13, Dpy-5 Unc-13.
Growth characteristics: Both Unc-13 and Dpy-5 Unc-13 animals are slow growing (generation time at 20°C nearly 5 days). Animals carrying two copies of sDp2 have never been recovered.
Handling: sDp2-bearing males mate and give some progeny, but are slow growing and do not compete well with non-Dp males in mating.
Derivatives: hDp2-hDp30; hDp59; hDp74-hDp77.

Rose, A.M., Baillie, D.L., and Curran, J., 1984; Howell, A.M., Gilmour, S.G., Mancebo, R.A., and Rose, A.M., 1987; Howell, A.M., and Rose, A.M., 1990; McKim, K.S., and Rose, A.M., 1990; McKim, K.S., Starr, T., and Rose, A.M., 1992; McKim, K.S., Peters, K., and Rose, A.M., 1993.
sDp3(III;f) Summary: Free duplication, well characterized, does not recombine with normal homologues. Very effective balancer for left portion of LG III from around unc-86 through at least dpy-1 (does not extend to unc-45).

Origin/Mutagen: 1500-R gamma-irradiation mutagenesis of dpy-18/eT1 III; unc-46/ eT1 V.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain maintenance, mutant screens.
Reference strain: BC986, eT1(III;V); sDp3(III,f).
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Unc-36 eT1 homozygotes.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Males mate well. Duplication homozygotes are probably inviable (never recovered).

Rosenbluth, R.E., Cuddeford, C., and Baillie, D.L., 1985.
stDp2(X;II) Summary: Translocated duplication, moderately well characterized, not observed to recombine with normal LG X. Very effective balancer for small region in the center of LG X, from around unc-58 to around unc-6.

Recommended use: General balancing, strain construction, strain maintenance.
Reference straind: RW6002, +/stDp2 II; unc-18(e81)X.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Unc-18.
Growth characteristics: Homozygous inviable.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Males carrying one copy of the duplication mate well.

Meneely, P.M. and Wood, W.B., 1984.
szDp1(I;X;f) Summary: Complex free duplication, well characterized, does not recombine with normal LG I. Very effective balancer for the left portion of LG I from the left end through unc-13. Consists of one half-translocation [szT1(X)] from szT1 maintained in addition to a normal chromosome complement.

Origin/Mutagen: Exceptional Unc-3 segregant from dpy-5/szT1[lon-2] I; unc-3/szT1 X.
Reference strain: KRI577, dpy-5(e61) unc-13(e450)I; szDpI(I;x,f).
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild-type hermaphrodites, small percentage wild-type males, Dpy-5 Unc-13.
Growth characteristics: Animals carrying two copies of szDp1 apparently inviable. Duplication strains give rise to spontaneous males through meiotic nondisjunction of the X chromosome.
Handling: szDp1-bearing males either do not mate or are infertile.
Derivatives: hDp31-hDp58; hDp60-hDp73.

McKim, K.S., Howell, A.M., and Rose, A.M., 1988; McKim, K.S., Starr, T., and Rose, A.M., 1992; McKim, K.S., Peters, K., and Rose, A.M., 1993; McKim, K.S., and Rose, A.M., 1990.
szT1(I;X) Summary: Reciprocal translocation, well characterized, very stable. Effective balancer for left portion of LG I through unc-13, nearly all of LG X from right end to around dpy-3. szT1(I) is large segment of LG X (right) translocated to LG I, disjoins from normal LG I. szT1(X) is LG I (left) translocated to fragment of LG X (left), disjoins from normal LG X.

Origin/Mutagen: 7000-R gamma-ray mutagenesis of lon-2(e678)/dpy-8(e1321) unc-3(e151)hermaphrodites.
Recommended use: General balancing, strain construction, strain maintenance.
Reference strain: AFl, +/szT1[lon-2(e678) I; dpy-8(e1321) unc-3(e151)/szT1 X.
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Dpy-8 Unc-3 hermaphrodites and males, embryonic lethal szT1 homozygotes, large numbers of embryonic or early larval arrest aneuploid progeny, and about 10% Lon-2 males.
Growth characteristics: Homozygous inviable; breakpoint resulting in lethality must interrupt a gene on LG I, as hemizygous males are viable and fertile. Lon-2 males arise through meiotic nondisjunction of X chromosome. Brood size in heterozygotes ~100.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Lon-2 szT1 males mate well. Rare exceptional progeny carry one half-translocation as a complex free duplication. Gives rise spontaneously to rare apparent lethal mutations that may represent fusion of szT1(X) and the normal X. Shows threefold enhanced recombination frequency immediately adjacent to right of LG I breakpoint and about twofold enhanced frequency in the unc-101 - unc-54 interval.
Marked variants: szT1[lon-2(e678) unc-29(e403)].

Fodor, A., and Deak, P., 1985; McKim, K.S., Howell, A.M., and Rose, A.M., 1988; Howell, A.M., and Rose, A.M., 1990; McKim, K.S., and Rose, A.M., 1990.
yDp1(IV;V;f) Summary: Complex free duplication, moderately well characterized, not observed to recombine with either normal homologue. Very effective balancer for right portion of LG IV from around dpy-4 to around unc-22, and left portion of LG V from around unc-34 through yDp1.

Origin/Mutagen: EMS mutagenesis of unc-22(s7) dpy-26(n199)IV/nT1[unc(n754) let](IV;V).
Recommended use: General balancing, strain construction, strain maintenance.
Reference strain: TY156, unc-30(e191) dpy-4(e1166) IV; yDp1(IV;V,f).
Phenotype: Wild type.
Segregants: Wild type, Unc-30 Dpy-4.
Growth characteristics: Brood size ~250. Animals carrying two copies of yDp1 apparently inviable. The duplication segregates from X chromosome in male meiosis.
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Males carrying the duplication mate well.

DeLong, L., Casson, L.P., and Meyer, B.J., 1987; Plenefisch, J.D., DeLong, L., and Meyer, B.J., 1989; Yuan, J.Y., and Horvitz, H.R., 1990.