Annotation of Disease scripts
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package get_dis_disease_ace; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw( getDisease ); our $VERSION = 1.00; # Dumper module to dump Ranjana's dis_ disease data. 2013 01 18 use strict; use diagnostics; use LWP; use LWP::Simple; use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect ( "dbi:Pg:dbname=testdb", "", "") or die "Cannot connect to database!\n";# connecting to postres dtabase my $result; my %theHash;# read all the tables from line 25 and store them in a hash; will store all postgres data to parse into .ace output my @tables = qw( wbgene humandoid paperexpmod dbexpmod species diseaserelevance paperdisrel dbdisrel ); #list of postgrestables, as dis_wbgene, dis_humandoid, all begin wiht the prefix dis my $all_entry = ''; #defining all the variables, .ace and the error text my $err_text = ''; my %nameToIDs; # type -> name -> ids -> count; maps WBGenes to PGids my %ids; #just all the PGIDs that are relevant my %deadObjects; #hash of all the dead objects my %dataType; $dataType{humandoid} = 'multi'; $dataType{paperexpmod} = 'multi'; $dataType{paperdisrel} = 'multi'; $dataType{dbexpmod} = 'comma'; $dataType{dbdisrel} = 'comma'; 1; sub populateDeadObjects { $result = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM pap_status WHERE pap_status = 'invalid';" ); $result->execute(); while (my @row = $result->fetchrow) { $deadObjects{paper}{invalid}{"WBPaper$row[0]"} = $row[1]; } $result = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM gin_dead;" ); $result->execute(); while (my @row = $result->fetchrow) { # Ranjana doesn't care about hierarchy, just show her an error message if ($row[1]) { $deadObjects{gene}{"WBGene$row[0]"} = $row[1]; } } } # sub populateDeadObjects # we are getting the genes and the papers that are invalid, storing them in the dead objects hash sub getDisease { my ($flag) = shift; #use all or specify the geneID if ( $flag eq 'all' ) { $result = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM dis_wbgene; " ); } # get all entries for type; # get all entries for all WBGenes else { $result = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM dis_wbgene WHERE dis_wbgene = '$flag';" ); } # get all entries for type of object intid; #get all entries for WBGenes with the object name being the same as flag $result->execute(); while (my @row = $result->fetchrow) { if ($deadObjects{gene}{$row[1]}) { $err_text .= "pgid $row[0] has $row[1] which is $deadObjects{gene}{$row[1]}\n"; } # add dead wbgenes to error out else { $theHash{object}{$row[0]} = $row[1]; $nameToIDs{object}{$row[1]}{$row[0]}++; $ids{$row[0]}++; } } # add non-dead genes to hashes my $ids = ''; my $qualifier = ''; #now we are checking for dead genes, if dead, gives an error message, if not it is doing what it was doing before, that is dumping. if ($flag ne 'all') { $ids = join"','", sort keys %ids; $qualifier = "WHERE joinkey IN ('$ids')"; } # for all of the tables lsited before, we will restrict it to those PGids, so if we're getting a specific query, we only want the data for that specific set of pgids [1/23/13 3:35:35 PM] j chan: and we do that by adding to the postgres query the qualifier WHERE joinkey IN ('$ids') #query for all tables foreach my $table (@tables) { #for each of those tables we will do this query, $theHash{$table}{$row[0]} = $row[1]; $result = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM dis_$table $qualifier;" ); # get data for table with qualifier (or not if not) $result->execute(); #query results stored in this hash, %theHash, the hash maps to DOID, $theHash{humandoid}{1} = 'DO:1234' while (my @row = $result->fetchrow) { $theHash{$table}{$row[0]} = $row[1]; } } # foreach my $table (@tables) foreach my $objName (sort keys %{ $nameToIDs{object} }) {# getting each of the objects from the nameTOID hash my $entry = ''; my $has_data; #storing the .ace entry for .ace object $entry .= "\nGene : \"$objName\"\n"; #will dump empty gene objects, if no data present foreach my $pgid (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{ $nameToIDs{object}{$objName} }) { #for each PGID that has that object name the data will be dumped my $species = ''; if ($theHash{species}{$pgid}) { $species = $theHash{species}{$pgid}; } #will get species value my %omim = (); # filter OMIM results so no duplicates if ($theHash{humandoid}{$pgid}) { #if human DOID my (@doids) = $theHash{humandoid}{$pgid} =~ m/(DOID:\d+)/g;#match for DOID: numbers, DOID:\d+ my @papers; if ($theHash{paperexpmod}{$pgid}) { (@papers) = $theHash{paperexpmod}{$pgid} =~ m/(WBPaper\d+)/g; } #match for WBPaper, WBPaper\d+ foreach my $doid (@doids) { # for each DOID if (scalar @papers > 0) { foreach my $paper (@papers) { $entry .= qq(Experimental_model\t"$doid"\t"$species"\tPaper_evidence\t"$paper"\n); } } #there are papers,Experimental_model\t"$doid"\t"$species"\tPaper_evidence\t"$paper" else { $entry .= qq(Experimental_model\t"$doid"\t"$species"\n); } } #there are no papers, Experimental_model\t"$doid"\t"$species" if ($theHash{dbexpmod}{$pgid}) { my (@om) = $theHash{dbexpmod}{$pgid} =~ m/OMIM:(\d+)/g; foreach (@om) { $omim{$_}++; } } #if there is data in dis_dbexpmod, we are going to match for OMIM:(\d+),but only capture the number, not the OMIM:, store in the OMIM hash } if ($theHash{diseaserelevance}{$pgid}) { # if there is disease relevance, dis_diseaserelevance, convert '-->" for acedb, my $disrel = $theHash{diseaserelevance}{$pgid}; if ($disrel =~ m/\'/) { $disrel =~ s/\'/''/g; } if ($disrel =~ m/\n/) { $disrel =~ s/\n/ /g; } #converts line breaks into spaces my @papers; my @all_papers; if ($theHash{paperexpmod}{$pgid}) { (@all_papers) = $theHash{paperexpmod}{$pgid} =~ m/(WBPaper\d+)/g; } foreach my $paper (@all_papers) { # get all papers and send error message for invalid papers, and add valid to list of papers if ($deadObjects{paper}{invalid}{$paper}) { $err_text .= "pgid $pgid has invalid paper $paper\n"; } else { push @papers, $paper; } } my @papers; my @all_papers; if ($theHash{paperdisrel}{$pgid}) { (@all_papers) = $theHash{paperdisrel}{$pgid} =~ m/(WBPaper\d+)/g; } foreach my $paper (@all_papers) { # get all papers and send error message for invalid papers, and add valid to list of papers if ($deadObjects{paper}{invalid}{$paper}) { $err_text .= "pgid $pgid has invalid paper $paper\n"; } else { push @papers, $paper; } } if ($theHash{paperdisrel}{$pgid}) { (@papers) = $theHash{paperdisrel}{$pgid} =~ m/(WBPaper\d+)/g; } #same as line 73, matching for papers, for the table dis_paperdisrel if (scalar @papers > 0) { foreach my $paper (@papers) { $entry .= qq(Disease_relevance\t"$disrel"\t"$species"\tPaper_evidence\t"$paper"\n); } } #same as 75 and 76, for disease relevance as opposed to DOID else { $entry .= qq(Disease_relevance\t"$disrel"\t"$species"\n); } if ($theHash{dbdisrel}{$pgid}) { my (@om) = $theHash{dbdisrel}{$pgid} =~ m/OMIM:(\d+)/g; foreach (@om) { $omim{$_}++; } } # for disease relevance as opposed to dbexpmod } foreach my $omim (sort keys %omim) { $entry .= qq(Database\t"OMIM"\t"disease"\t"$omim"\n); } #print all the unique OMIM IDs if ($entry) { $has_data++; } # if .ace object has a phenotype, append to whole list } # foreach my $pgid (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{ $nameToIDs{$type}{$objName} }) if ($has_data) { $all_entry .= $entry; } } # foreach my $objName (sort keys %{ $nameToIDs{$type} }) return( $all_entry, $err_text );# returns all entries, no error checking in place for now; } # sub getDisease __END__ sub getData { my ($cur_entry, $table, $joinkey, $tag, $objName, $goodGenes_ref) = @_; if ($theHash{$table}{$joinkey}) { my $data = $theHash{$table}{$joinkey}; if ($data =~ m/^\"/) { $data =~ s/^\"//; } if ($data =~ m/\"$/) { $data =~ s/\"$//; } if ($data =~ m/ /) { $data =~ s/ //g; } if ($data =~ m/\n/) { $data =~ s/\n/ /g; } if ($data =~ m/^\s+/) { $data =~ s/^\s+//g; } if ($data =~ m/\s+$/) { $data =~ s/\s+$//g; } my @data; if ($data =~ m/\",\"/) { @data = split/\",\"/, $data; } elsif ($pipeSplit{$table}) { @data = split/ \| /, $data; } else { push @data, $data; } foreach my $value (@data) { if ($value =~ m/\"/) { $value =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; } } # foreach my $value (@data) } return $cur_entry; } # sub getData
#!/usr/bin/perl # use the module from /home/postgres/work/citace_upload/papers/ # to dump the papers, abstracts (LongText objects), and errors associated with # them. 2005 07 13 # # Change to default get all papers, not just valid ones. 2005 11 10 use strict; use Jex; my $date = &getSimpleSecDate(); my $start_time = time; my $estimate_time = time + 697; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($estimate_time); # get time if ($sec < 10) { $sec = "0$sec"; } # add a zero if needed print "START $date -> Estimate $hour:$min:$sec\n"; $date = &getSimpleDate(); use lib qw( /home/postgres/work/citace_upload/dis_disease/ ); use get_dis_disease_ace; #tells script where to get the perl module packages my $outfile = 'disease_' . $date . '.ace'; my $errfile = 'err.out.' . $date; #has two outputs, .ace file and error files, changed file name to open (OUT, ">$outfile") or die "Cannot create $outfile : $!\n"; open (ERR, ">$errfile") or die "Cannot create $errfile : $!\n"; my ($all_entry, $err_text) = &getDisease('all'); # all, gets all objects, need to specify WBGene if only that needed print OUT "$all_entry\n"; if ($err_text) { print ERR "$err_text"; } #will print error file, if errors are found, otherwise not close (OUT) or die "Cannot close $outfile : $!"; close (ERR) or die "Cannot close $errfile : $!"; $date = &getSimpleSecDate(); my $end_time = time; my $diff_time = $end_time - $start_time; print "DIFF $diff_time\n"; print "END $date\n";
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