WebDev 2009.10.21-Agenda and Minutes

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1. Administration (Todd, 5 minutes)

WS207 - in production
- some hardware problems with production notes -> will resolve shortly
- working on things for Friday meeting (postponed)

2. WS207 Development progress, paralog display (Norie; 10 minutes)

  • Paralog sections to the orthology page
  • Table of paralogs:

gathered biological processes annotations
listed in terms of diff/similarities to the gene

  • Search algorithm for ontologies - diseases
  • TH: incorporate obj to disease: search by these terms
  • LS: Add treefam picture - link to txt (maybe mouseover to highlight paragraph)

3. nBrowse, pathway visualization progress (Xiaoqi; 10 minutes)

4. modENCODE migration progress (Abby; 10 minutes)

5. WormMart status and timeline (Zheng; 10 minutes)