WBConfCall 2013.11.07-Agenda and Minutes

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Models for WS241

WS241 model details


  • ?Person class - Database tag added for Orchid
  • ?Interaction and ?Feature models - linking tags changed
  • ?Movie linking - Text in DB_INFO tag not indexed as it is just a reference to an external accession. - Microarray and Tiling_array now linking to ?Microarray_experiment and ?Analysis

SAB 2014

  • planning
  • so far we have not followed through on this because since Paul Sternberg has not been in the last two meetings.
  • There are two options:
    • New Year (January or February) at CalTech
    • Later in the Spring at Hinxton

Non-peer review articles

(Mary Ann)

It is not standard current WormBase policy to incorporate data from non-peer review articles.

However, this policy has been in place for some time and a ([[ https://github.com/WormBase/website/issues/1920 | helpdesk query ]]) from a user has prompted a review.

"I just realized that the information about the daf-16 allele describded here Mapping the breakpoints of the daf-16(mgDf50) allele 'http://www.wormbook.org/wbg/articles/volume-19-number-3/mapping-the-breakpoints-of-the-daf-16mgdf50-allele/" is not in wormbase, even if the allele is at the cgc"
