Populating dois

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Current Pipeline

  • Put into place in 2014-01
  • This service had dois for many older papers for which PubMed does not have a doi
  • Script that queries NBIC service is here:
  • And is called by this script here:
  • This runs on the 19th as part of the &pubmedNotFinal routine where we query PubMed again to update metadata for papers that weren't fully indexed by PubMed when they came into WormBase (which is usually all of them).
  • You can check the latest pap_identifier that are doi with Kimberly as the curator with :
 SELECT * FROM pap_identifier WHERE pap_curator = 'two1843' AND pap_identifier ~ 'doi' ORDER by pap_timestamp DESC;
  • And you can probably run the script manually by logging on as acedb and pasting :

Older Pipeline

Populating dois for WormBase Paper Objects

1) Add dois to papers for which we have a PubMed XML and the doi is in the XML

a) Script is on mangolassi: /home/postgres/work/pgpopulation/pap_papers/20111014_doi_pii_population/doi_pii_populate.pl

2) Add dois to newly approved papers in the paper editor

a) Update code of paper_editor.cgi and pap_match.pm - Need to confirm this

3) Add dois to papers that don't have a doi in the PubMed XML, or don't have a PubMed XML

a) Use crossref.org account b) How many papers are there? c) How do we keep track of what we've done, or should we just periodically run a query?