Mac OSX(Leopard)

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If you do not want to use the webstart version (i.e. the 1.5 stable version) follow the directions for installing and running from the command line.

Required Software for running from command line

Phenote is stored in a Subversion (SVN) system (an alternative to the CVS version control system we've been using to maintain the latest Phenotype Ontology). And can be downloaded from the SVN project package page.

Apache Ant is a Java based software building tool and can be downloaded from the the Apache Binary Distributions page.

Download phenote+ source code (called phenote2) from the command line. These instructions are found on the bottom of the Getting and Running the Source Code page of the Phenote site.

$ svn co phenote

To update the Phenote+ source code, which you will need to do every so often:

cd to phenote

$ svn up $ ant build-all $ ./phenote2 -c worm.cfg

To launch Phenote+ without updating the source code:

cd to phenote2

$ ./phenote2 -c worm.cfg

the worm configuration of phenote will be opened every time afterwards until a new config is picked, so afterwards, only need to do:


