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[http://tazendra.caltech.edu/~azurebrd/var/work/kimberly/journals active journals in postgres (1574 entries)]
[http://tazendra.caltech.edu/~azurebrd/var/work/kimberly/journals active journals in postgres (1574 entries)]
A-M titles here, [[N-Z titles]]
On the left is the journal name in postgres/WB; the right-most text is the standard abbreviation, if known (kmv)
On the left is the journal name in postgres/WB; the right-most text is the standard abbreviation, if known (kmv)

Revision as of 17:33, 3 February 2010

active journals in postgres (1574 entries)

A-M titles here, N-Z titles

On the left is the journal name in postgres/WB; the right-most text is the standard abbreviation, if known (kmv)

all journals that were ever in postgres (1586 entries) :

6 - Invert Neurosci in postgres and WB (WBPaper00027054)
ACS Chem Biol - OK
Acta Biochimica Polonica = Acta Biochim Pol
Acta Biologica Hungarica = Acta Biol Hung
Acta Biologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae = Acta Biol Acad Sci Hung
Acta Biotheoretica = Acta Biotheor
Acta Crystallographica D = Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography = Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr
Acta Crystallograph Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun = Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun
Acta Histochemica
Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica
Acta Pharmacol Sin
Acta Physiol (Oxf)
Acta Tropica
Acta Virol
Acta Zoologica Sinica
Adaptive Behavior
Advanced Biophysics
Advances in Developmental Biochemistry
Advances in Developmental Biology
Advances in Genetics
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
Advances in Neurology
Advances in Parasitology
Advances in Pharmacology
Advances in Space Research
Advances in the Biosciences
Adv Exp Med Biol
Adv Genet
Adv Gerontol
Adv Parasitol
Adv Protein Chem
Adv Space Res
Age (Dordr)
Ageing Research Reviews
Ageing Res Rev
Aging Cell
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
Aging Milano
Alcohol Clin Exp Res
Alcoholism, Clinical & Experimental Research
Allattani Kozlemenyek
Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders
American Journal of Human Genetics
American Journal of Medical Genetics
American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology
American Journal of Physiology - Renal Fluid & Electrolyte Physiology
American Naturalist
American Zoologist
Amino Acids
Am J Addict
Am J Hosp Pharm
Am J Hum Genet
Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet
Am J Pharmacogenomics
Am J Physiol Cell Physiol
Anal Biochem
Anal Chem
Analytical Biochemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Anatomical Record
Anesthesia & Analgesia
Aneuploidy-Incidence and Etiology
Animal Behaviour
Animal Learning & Behavior
Annales de Biologie Animale, Biochimie, Biophysique
Annales de Sciences Naturelles - Zool. Biol. Anim.
Annales de Zoologie - Ecologie Animale
Annals of Applied Biology
Annals of Botany
Annals of Medicine
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Ann Emerg Med
Ann Neurol
Ann N Y Acad Sci
Ann Pharm Fr
Ann. Rep. Univ. CB/Lyon Fr
Annual Review of Biophysics & Bioengineering
Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology
Annual Review of Cell Biology
Annual Review of Cell & Developmental Biology
Annual Review of Genetics
Annual Review of Genomics & Human Genetics
Annual Review of Microbiology
Annual Review of Neuroscience
Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Annual Review of Physiology
Annual Review of Phytopathology
Annu Rev Biochem
Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol
Annu Rev Genet
Annu Rev Microbiol
Annu Rev Neurosci
Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol
Annu Rev Physiol
Annu Rev Phytopathol
Antibiotics & Chemotherapy
Anticancer Research
Antimicrob Agents Chemother
Antioxid Redox Signal
Appl Environ Microbiol
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol
Aquatic Toxicology
Aquat Toxicol
Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research
Arch Biochem Biophys
Arch Environ Contam Toxicol
Arch Iran Med
Archiv. Anat. Micro. Morphol. Exp.
Archives de Zoologie Experimentale et Generale
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology
Arch Med Res
Arch Neurol
Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
Arch Pharm Res
Arch Toxicol
Ares Sereno Symp.
Artificial Life
Artif Intell Med
Artif Life
ASM News
Assay Drug Dev Technol
Banbury Report
Behav Cogn Neurosci Rev
Behavioral and Neural Biology
Behavioral Neuroscience
Behavior Genetics
Behavioural Brain Research
Behavioural Processes
Behav Neurosci
Belgian Journal of Zoology
Bichemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Biochem Cell Biol
Biochem Genet
Biochemica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Structure & Expression
Biochemica et Biophysica Acta-Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology
Biochemica et Biophysica Acta - Protein Structure & Molecular Enzymology
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communcations
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications
Biochemical Genetics
Biochemical Journal
Biochemical Pharmacology
Biochemical Society Symposium
Biochemical Society Transactions
Biochemical Systematics & Ecology
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International
Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Biochem J
Biochem J.
Biochem Pharmacol
Biochem Soc Symp
Biochem Soc Trans
Biochim Biophys Acta
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Structure and Expression
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Gene Structure & Expression
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Lipids and Lipid Metabolism
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular & Cell Biology of Lipids
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins & Proteomics
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Protein Structure & Molecular Enzymology
Biol Bull
Biol Cell
Biol Chem
Biol Cybern
Biol Direct
Biological Bulletin
Biological Chemistry
Biological Control
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin
Biological Procedures Online
Biologie in unserer Zeit
Biologisch Jaarboek
Biology & Fertility of Soils
Biology Letters
Biology of the Cell
Biol Pharm Bull
Biol Reprod
Biol Sci Space
Biomed Chromatogr
Biomed Environ Sci
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters
Bioorg Khim
Bioorg Med Chem
Bioorg Med Chem Lett
Biophys Chem
Biophysical Journal
Biophys J
Biosci Biotechnol Biochem
Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry
Bioscience Reports
Biosensors & Bioelectronics
Biotechnol Adv
Biotechnol J
Bio Technology
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews
Biotechnology Letters
Blood Cells Mol Dis
BMC Biochemistry
BMC Bioinformatics
BMC Biol
BMC Biotechnol
BMC Biotechnology
BMC Cell Biol
BMC Cell Biology
BMC Dev Biol
BMC Developmental Biology
BMC Ecol
BMC Evol Biol
BMC Evolutionary Biology
BMC Genet
BMC Genetics
BMC Genomics
BMC Microbiol
BMC Mol Biol
BMC Neurosci
BMC Pharmacol
BMC Physiol
BMC Syst Biol
Brain Pathology
Brain Res
Brain Res Bull
Brain Research
Brain Research Bulletin
Brain Res Rev
Brain Struct Funct
Braz J Biol
Braz J Med Biol Res
Breast Dis
Breast Disease
Brief Funct Genomic Proteomic
Briefings in Bioinformatics
British Antarctic Survey Bulletin
British Journal of Pharmacology
British Journal of Rheumatology
British Medical Bulletin
Br J Cancer
Br J Dermatol
Br J Pharmacol
Bull Environ Contam Toxicol
Bulletin Biologique de la France et de la Belgique
Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France
Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France-Evolution et Zoologie
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club
Bull Math Biol
Bull Soc Hist Natl Toulouse
Business Week
Calcium Binding Proteins
Canadian Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Canadian Journal of Botany
Canadian Journal of Genetics & Cytology
Canadian Journal of Microbiology
Canadian Journal of Zoology
Cancer and Metastasis Reviews
Cancer Biol Ther
Cancer Cell
Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Cancer Investigation
Cancer Res
Cancer Research
Can J Gastroenterol
Carbohydr Res
CBE Life Sci Educ
C.elegans Aging, Stress, Pathogenesis, and Heterochrony Meeting
C.elegans Neuronal Development Meeting
Cell Adh Migr
Cell Biochem Biophys
Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics
Cell Biochemistry & Function
Cell Biol Educ
Cell Biol Int
Cell Biol Int Rep
Cell Biology International
Cell Calcium
Cell Communication
Cell Cycle
Cell Death and Differentiation
Cell Death Differ
Cell Death & Differentiation
Cell Div
Cell Host Microbe
Cell Metab
Cell Metabolism
Cell Microbiol
Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand)
Cell Mol Life Sci
Cell Mol Neurobiol
Cell Motil Cytoskeleton
Cell Motility
Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton
Cell Regulation
Cell Res
Cell Signal
Cell Signalling in Prokaryotes and Lower Metazoa. Kluwer Academic Publ.
Cell Stress Chaperones
Cell Stress & Chaperones
Cell Struct Funct
Cell Structure and Function
Cell Structure & Function
Cell Tissue Res
Cell & Tissue Research
Cell Tissue Research
Cellular and Molecular Biology
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
Cellular Microbiology
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters
Cellular & Molecular Life Sciences
Cellular Signalling
Cereb Cortex
Chem Biodivers
Chem Biol
Chem Biol Interact
Chem Commun (Camb)
Chemical Communications
Chemical Physics
Chemical Senses
Chemico-Biological Interactions
Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo)
Chem Res Toxicol
Chem Soc Rev
Chromosome Res
Chromosome Research
Chromosomes Today
Chronobiol Int
Ciba Foundation Symposium
Circ Res
Circulation Research
Clin Chem Lab Med
Clin Dev Immunol
Clin Genet
Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology
Clinical Medicine
Clin Microbiol Infect
Cognitive Science
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology
Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol
Columbia University Press, New York.
Comments on Theoretical Biology
Commun Agric Appl Biol Sci
Commun Integr Biol
Comparative and Functional Genomics
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C
Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology B
Comparative & General Pharmacology
Comparative Molecular Neurobiology
Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol
Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol
Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol
Comp Funct Genomics
Computer Applications in the Biosciences
Computer & Biomedical Research
Computers in Biology & Medicine
Comput Syst Bioinformatics Conf
Condensed Matter Theories
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc
CRC Methods in Cellular and Molecular Neuropathology Series
C.R. des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences Serie 3
C.R. des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences Serie D
C.R. des Seances de la Societe Biologie
Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression
Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol
C. R. Soc. Biol. 
CSH Conference on Cell Proliferation
Curr Alzheimer Res
 Curr Biol
Curr Biol
Curr Drug Metab
Curr Drug Targets
Current Biology
Current  Biology
Current Genomics
Current Molecular Medicine
Current Opinion in Cell Biology
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology
Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development
Current Opinion in Immunology
Current Opinion in Microbiology
Current Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
Current Opinion in Neurology
Current Opinion in Structural Biology
Current Science
Current Topics in Developmental Biology
Current Topics in Membranes
Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology
Current Trends in Membranes
Current Trends in Microbiology
Curr Genomics
Curr Med Chem
Curr Microbiol
Curr Mol Med
Curr Opin Biotechnol
Curr Opin Cell Biol
Curr Opin Chem Biol
Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes
Curr Opin Gastroenterol
Curr Opin Genet Dev
Curr Opin Immunol
Curr Opin Microbiol
Curr Opin Neurobiol
Curr Opin Neurol
Curr Opin Struct Biol
Curr Pharm Des
Curr Protoc Bioinformatics
Curr Protoc Mol Biol
Curr Top Dev Biol
Curr Top Microbiol Immunol
Cytogenet Cell Genet
Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews
Cytokine Growth Factor Rev
Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews
 Dev Biol
Dev Biol
 Dev Cell
Dev Cell
Dev Cell.
Dev Comp Immunol
Dev Dyn
Development 1989 Supplement
Developmental Biology
Developmental Cell
Developmental & Comparative Immunology
Developmental Dynamics
Developmental Genes and Evolution
Developmental Genetics
Developmental Psychobiology
Development -COMMENT S1
Development & Evolution Meeting
Development Genes and Evolution
Development Genes & Evolution
Development Growth & Differentiation
Development Supplement
Dev Genes Evol
Dev Genet
Dev Growth Differ
Dev Neurobiol
Diabetes Care
Diagn Mol Pathol
Dis Model Mech
DNA and Cell Biology
DNA Cell Biol
DNA Repair
DNA Repair (Amst)
DNA Repair Protocols: Eukaryotic Systems
DNA Research
DNA Sequence
Doklady Biological Sciences
Dokl Biol Sci
Drug Chem Toxicol
Drug News Perspect
East African Medical Journal
East Asia Worm Meeting
East Coast Worm Meeting
Ecology Letters
Ecotoxicol Environ Saf
Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety
Eisei Kagak
Electro- and Magnetobiology
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
Electro-Optical Systems Design
EMBO Journal
EMBO Mol Med
EMBO Reports
Endocrine Aspects of Successful Aging: Genes, Hormones and Lifestyles. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Endocr Relat Cancer
Endocr Rev
Energy Metabolism and Lifespan Determination
Environ Int
Environmental & Molecular Mutagenesis
Environmental Pollution
Environmental Research
Environmental Science & Technology
Environmental Toxicolgy and Chemistry
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
"Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Implications for Environmental Decisions." BM Greenberg, RN Hull, MH Roberts Jr., RW Gensemer, Eds., American Socie

ty for Testing and Materials, Standard Technical Publication 1403.

Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry
Environ Microbiol
Environ Pollut
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int
Environ Sci Technol
Environ Toxicol Chem
Enzyme and Microbial Technology
Enzyme & Microbial Technology
Ernst Schering Found Symp Proc
Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop
Ernst Schering Res Found Workshop
Essays Biochem
Essentials of Apoptosis: A Guide for Basic and Clinical Research
Eukaryot Cell
EURASIP J Bioinform Syst Biol
Eur J Biochem Eur J Cancer
Eur J Cell Biol
Eur J Hum Genet
Eur J Immunol
Eur J Neurosci
Eur J Pediatr
Eur J Pharmacol
European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience
European Biophysics Journal
European C.elegans Meeting
European Journal of Biochemistry
European Journal of Cell Biology
European Journal of Histochemistry
European Journal of Neuroscience
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology
European Journal of Pharmacology
European Journal of Soil Science
European Physical Journal D
European Worm Meeting
European Worm Neurobiology Meeting
Evol Bioinform Online
Evol Dev
Evolutionary Ecology Research
Evolution & Development
Evolution Int J Org Evolution
Evolving pathways. Key themes in Evolutionary Developmental Biology
Exp Anim
Exp Biol Med (Maywood)
Exp Cell Res
Experimental Aging Research
Experimental Cell Research
Experimental Gerontology
Experimental Neurology
Experimental Parasitology
Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther
Expert Rev Proteomics
Exp Gerontol
Exp Hematol
Exp Parasitol
Exp Physiol
FASEB Journal
FEBS Letters
Federation of European Biochemical Societies
FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology
FEMS Microbiol Lett
FEMS Microbiology Letters
FEMS Yeast Research
Filaria J
First Australian C. elegans Meeting
Fly (Austin)
Focus on Protein Research
Folia Biol (Praha)
Folia Microbiol (Prague)
Foodborne Pathog Dis
Food Microbiology
Foundations in Systems Biology
Fragmenta Faun. Hungarica
Free Radial Biology & Medicine
Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Free Radical Biology & Medicine
Free Radical Research
 Free Radic Biol Med
Free Radic Biol Med
Freshwater Biology
Front Biosci
Frontiers in Bioscience
Frontiers in Molecular Biology
Front Zool
Funct Ecol
Funct Integr Genomics
Functional Biology
Functional Ecology
Fundamental and Applied Nematology
Fut Oncol
Gen Comp Endocrinol
Gene Expression
Gene Expression Patterns
Gene Expr Patterns
General & Comparative Endocrinology
Genes and Development
Genes and Function
Genes Brain Behav
Genes, Brain, & Behavior
Genes Cells
Genes Chromosomes Cancer
Genes Dev
Genes & Developement
Genes & Development
Genes & Genetic Systems
Gene Silencing by RNA Interference: Technolgy and Application. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Genesis: The Journal of Genetics & Development
Genes Nutr
Genes to Cell
Genes to Cells
Genetical Research
Genetic Analysis: Biomolecular Engineering
Genetic Analysis Techniques and Applications
Genetic Maps
Genetics (online text: http:
Genet Mol Res
Genet Res
Genome Biol
Genome Biology
Genome Dyn
Genome Inform
Genome Inform Ser Workshop Genome Inform
Genome Res
Genome Research
Genomes, Medicine, and the Environment Conference
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Germ Cell Protocols: Molecular Embryo Analysis, Live Imaging, Transgenics, and Cloning.  Humana Press, Inc.
Glycoconj J
Glycoconjugate Journal
Gravit Space Biol Bull
G.S. Thepar Commemoration Volume (Lucknow)
Handb Exp Pharmacol
Handbook of Graphs and Networks: from the genome to the network.  S Bornholdt and HG Schuster (eds).  Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.
Harvey Lectures
Hermann, Editeurs des Sciences et des Arts.  Paris, France.
Histochem Cell Biol
Histochemical Journal
Histochemistry & Cell Biology
Hormones (Athens)
Huan Jing Ke Xue
Human & Experimental Toxicology
Human Genome News
Human Molecular Genetics
Hum Genet
Hum Gene Ther
Hum Mol Genet
IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng
IEEE Trans Image Process
IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed
IEEE Trans Nanobioscience
IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern B Cybern
IEICE Transactions on Information & Systems
Immunoassays for Monitoring Human Exposure to Toxic Chemicals
Immunological Reviews
Immunol Rev
Important Advances in Oncology
Indian J Med Res
Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry
Indian Journal of Medical Research
Infect Immun
Infection and Immunity
Insect Biochem Mol Biol
Insect Mol Biol
In Silico Biol
Int Angiol
Integrative and Comparative Biology
Interdisciplinary Topics in Gerontology
Interdiscip Top Gerontol
Internationa Journal for Parasitology\r
Journal for Parasitology
International C. elegans Meeting
International Congress of Zoology
International Journal for Parasitology
International Journal of Biochemistry
International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology
International Journal of Developmental Biology
International Journal of Invertebrate Reproduction and Development
International Journal of Medical Microbiology
International Journal of Modern Physics C
International Journal of Pharmacognosy
International Journal of Radiation Biology
International Review of Cytology
International Review of Cytology -  A Survey of Cell Biology
International Review of Cytology - A Survey of Cell Biology
International Review of Hydrobiology
International Review of Neurobiology
International Worm Meeting
Int J A El
Int J Artif Organs
Int J Biochem Cell Biol
Int J Bioinform Res Appl
Int J Biol Macromol
Int J Biol Sci
Int J Cancer
Int J Data Min Bioinform
Int J Dev Biol
Int J Dev Neurosci
Int J Food Microbiol
Int J Med Microbiol
Int J Mol Med
Int J Oncol
Int J Parasitol
Int J Radiat Biol
Int J Syst Evol Microbiol
Int Rev Cytol
Int Rev Neurobiol
Invertebrate Reproduction and Development
Invert Neurosci
Iran Biomed J
Iubmb Life
J Agric Food Chem
Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
J Alzheimers Dis
J Am Chem Soc
J Am Geriatr Soc
 J Am Soc Nephrol
J Am Soc Nephrol
J Androl
J Antibiot (Tokyo)
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1
Japanese Journal of Nematology
Japanese Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health
Japanese Worm Meeting
J Bacteriol
J Biochem
J Biochem Biophys Methods
J Biochem Mol Toxicol
J Biochem (Tokyo)
J Bioenerg Biomembr
J Bioinform Comput Biol
J Biol
J Biol Chem
J Biomed Biotechnol
J Biomed Opt
J Biomol Screen
J Biomol Struct Dyn
J Biophotonics
J Biosci
J Cell Biochem
J Cell Biol
J Cell Commun Signal
J Cell Mol Med
J Cell Physiol
J Cell Sci
J Chem Ecol
J Comp Neurol
J Comp Physiol [A]
J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol
J Comput Biol
J Comput Neurosci
J Dent Res
J Endocrinol
J Environ Sci (China)
J Ethnopharmacol
J Evol Biol
J Exp Biol
J Exp Med
J Exp Zool
J Exp Zoolog A Comp Exp Biol
J Exp Zoolog B Mol Dev Evol
J Exp Zool Part A Ecol Genet Physiol
J Food Prot
J Gen Physiol
J Gerontol
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci
J Helminthol
J Hered
J Hum Genet
J Immunol
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol
J Inherit Metab Dis
J Insect Physiol
J Invertebr Pathol
J Investig Dermatol Symp Proc.
J Leukoc Biol
J Lipid Res
J Med Chem
J Med Genet
J Med Microbiol
J Microsc
J Mol Biol
J Mol Cell Cardiol
J Mol Endocrinol
J Mol Evol
J Mol Histol
J Mol Med
J Mol Neurosci
J Morphol
J Muscle Res Cell Motil
J Nat Prod
J Nematol
J Neurobiol
J Neurochem
J Neurogenet
J Neurol
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol
J Neurophysiol
J Neurosci
J Neurosci Methods
J Neurosci Res
J Nutr
J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Journal of Agricultural & Food Science
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Journal of Anatomy
Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine
Journal of Antibiotics
Journal of  Antibiotics (Tokyo)
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Journal of Applied Bacteriology
Journal of Bacteriology
Journal of Biochemistry
Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Journal of Biochem Molecular Toxicology
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Journal of Biological Physics
Journal of Biomedical Optics
Journal of Bio Mol B
Journal of Biomolecular NMR
Journal of Biomolecular Screening
Journal of Bioscience & Bioengineering
Journal of Biosciences
Journal of Biotechnology
Journal of Cancer Research & Clinical Oncology
Journal of Cell Biology
Journal of Cell Science
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
Journal of Cellular Biology
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism
Journal of Chemical Ecology
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology
Journal of Chromatography
Journal of Chromatography B
Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Journal of Comparative Physiology
Journal of Comparative Physiology A
Journal of Computational Biology
Journal of Computational Neuroscience
Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology
Journal of Essential Oil Research
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Journal of Experimental Biology
Journal of Experimental Monitoring
Journal of Experimental Zoology
Journal of Fish Biology
Journal of Food Protection
Journal of General Physiology
Journal of Genetics
Journal of Gerontology
Journal of Health Science
Journal of Helminthology
Journal of Heredity
Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry
Journal of Immunological Methods
Journal of Immunology
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease
Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Journal of Labelled Compounds & Radiopharmaceuticals
Journal of Lipid Research
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Journal of Membrane Biology
Journal of Microscopy
Journal of Molecular Biology
Journal of Molecular Evolution
Journal of Molecular Graphics
Journal of Molecular Microbiology & Biotechnology
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience
Journal of Molecular Toxicology
Journal of Morphology
Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility
Journal of Muscle Research & Cell Motility
Journal of Natural Products
Journal of Natural Toxins
Journal of Nematology
Journal of Neurobiology
Journal of Neurochemistry
Journal of Neurocytology
Journal of Neurogenetics
Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology
Journal of Neurophysiology
Journal of Neuroscience
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Journal of Parasitology
Journal of Peptide Science
Journal of Pesticide Science
Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics
Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics
Journal of Physiology
Journal of Physiology-Paris
Journal of Proteome Research
Journal of Radiation Research
Journal of Reproduction and Development
Journal of Soils & Sediments
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Journal of Structural Biology
Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology
Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology and Pathology
Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology & Pathology
Journal of the American Aging Assocation
Journal of the American Aging Association
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Journal of the American Society for Information Science
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Journal of Theoretical Biology
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Journal of Thermal Biology
Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A
Journal of Ultrastructure Research
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
Journal of Zoological Society of London
Journal of Zoological Systematics & Evolutionary Research
Journal of Zoology
Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences
J Parasitol
J Pathol
J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods
J Physiol
J Physiol Biochem
J Physiol Paris
J Physiol Pharmacol
J Plant Growth Regul
J Protein Chem
J Proteome Res
J Radiat Res (Tokyo)
J Recept Signal Transduct Res
J RNAi Gene Silencing
J R Soc Interface
J Struct Biol
J Struct Funct Genomics
J Submicrosc Cytol Pathol
J Theor Biol
J Toxicol Environ Health A
J Vet Diagn Invest
J Virol
J Vis Exp
Kidney Int
Korean Journal of Biological Sciences
Korean Journal of Genetics
Lab Chip
Laser-Generated and Other Laboratory X-Ray and EUV Sources, Optics, and Applications. SPIE-INT Society Optical Engineering, Bellingham.
Learning & Memory
Learn Mem
Lect N A I
Lect N Comp
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Lett Appl Microbiol
Letters in Applied Microbiology
Leuk Res
Life Sci
Life Sciences
Limnology & Oceanography
Mammalian Genome
Mamm Genome
Mar Biotechnol (NY)
Mathematical Biosciences
Matrix Biol
Matrix Biology
Mayo Clin Proc
Mech Ageing Dev
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
Mechanisms of Ageing & Development
Mechanisms of Development
Mech Dev
Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv
Med Mycol
Med Sci (Paris)
Medycyna Pracy
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz
Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev
Methods Biochem Anal
Methods Cell Biol
Methods Enzymol
Methods in Cell Biology
Methods in Enzymology
Methods in Microbiology
Methods in Molecular Biology
 Methods Mol Biol
Methods Mol Biol
Microb Ecol
Microbes and Infection
Microbes Infect
Microbial Ecology
Microbiol Mol Biol Rev
Microbiological Reviews
 Microb Pathog
Microgravity Sci Technol
Microscopy Research and Technique
Microsc Res Tech
Mid-west Worm Meeting
Midwest Worm Meeting
Modeling in Molecular Biology. G Ciobanu and G Rozenberg (eds).  Natural Computing Series, Springer-Verlag.
Modelling in Molecular Biology
Model Systems in Aging
Model Systems in Neurotoxicology: Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing
Modern Cell Biology
Mol Aspects Med
Mol Biochem Parasitol
Mol Biol Cell
Mol Biol Cell Suppl
Mol Biol Evol
Mol Biol (Mosk)
Mol Biol Rep
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Mol Brain
Mol Cell
Mol Cell Biochem
Mol Cell Biol
Mol Cell Endocrinol
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Mol Cell Probes
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Mol Cells
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Molecular and Cellular Biology
Molecular and Cellular Probes
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Molecular Cell
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Molecular Genetics & Genomics
Molecular Genetics & Metabolism
Molecular Immunology
Molecular Membrane Biology
Molecular Microbiology
Molecular Neurobiology
Molecular Neuroscience
Molecular Pharmacology
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Molecular Psychiatry
Molecular Reproduction
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Molecular Reproduction & Development
Molecules & Cells
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Mol Genet Genomics
Mol Genet Metab
Mol Gen Genet
Mol Hum Reprod
Mol Immunol
Mol Interv
Mol Microbiol
Mol Neurobiol
Mol Neurodegener
Mol Pharmacol
Mol Reprod Dev
Mol Syst Biol
M S-Medecine Sciences
Mutation Research
Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
Mutation Research-Genetic Toxicology & Environmental Mutagenesis
Mutat Res
Mutat Res-Fundamental & Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
Mycol Res
Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata
Nano Lett
Nat Biotechnol
Nat Cell Biol
Nat Chem Biol
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Nat Med
Nat Med (Tokyo)
Nat Methods
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Nat Protoc
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Nat Struct Mol Biol
Nature Biotechnology
Nature Cell Biology
Nature Genetics
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Nature Neuroscience
Nature Reviews Genetics
Nature Reviews Immunology
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
Nature Reviews Neuroscience
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology
Nature Structural Biology
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
NCRR Reporter
NEC Research & Development
Nematology: Advances and Perspectives, Vol 1: Nematode Morphology, Physiology and Ecology.  Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
N Engl J Med
Nephron Experimental Nephrology
Network: Computation in Neural Systems
Neural Comput
Neural Dev
Neural Develop
Neural Proc
Neuroacanthocytosis Syndromes
Neurobiol Aging
Neurobiol Dis
Neurobiol Learn Mem
Neurobiology of Aging
Neurobiology of Disease
Neurochemistry International
Neurochem Res
Neurodegener Dis
Neuromuscular Disorders
Neuromuscul Disord
Neuronal Development, Synaptic Function, and Behavior Meeting
Neuron Glia Biol
Neurosci Bull
Neuroscience Commentaries
Neuroscience Letters
Neuroscience Research
Neurosciences & Biobehavioral Reviews
Neurosci Lett
Neurosci Res
Neurotoxicol Teratol
New Biologist
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New York Times
New Zealand Journal of Crop & Horticultural Science
Nihon Shinkei Seishin Yakurigaku Zasshi
Nippon Rinsho
Nippon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi
Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi
Novart Foundation
Novartis Foundation
Novartis Found Symp
Nuclear Tracks & Radiation Measurements
Nucleic Acids Res
Nucleic Acids Research
Nucleic Acids Res Suppl
Nucleic Acids Symp Ser
Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids
Oncology Reports
Oncol Res
Opt Express
Optics Express
Opt Lett
Opuscula Zoologica (Budapest)
Org Biomol Chem
Org Lett
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing :
Pac Symp Biocomput
Parasite Immunol
Parasite Immunology
Parasitol Int
Parasitologia Hungarica
Parasitology Research
Parasitology Today
Parasitol Res
Parasitol Today
Parkinsonism & Related Disorders
Pathol Biol (Paris)
Pediatr Nephrol
Pediatr Res
Perspectives in Developmental Neurobiology
Pesticide Biochemistry & Physiology
Pest Manag Sci
Pflugers Arch
Pflugers Arch - European Journal of Physiology
Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology
Pharmacogenomics J
Pharmacol Biochem Behav
Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Pharmacol Res
Pharmacol Rev
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - Series B: Biological Sciences
Philosophy of Science
Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci
Photochemistry and Photobiology
Physica A
Physica Medica
Physiol Genomics
Physiological Genomics
Physiological Reviews
Physiology (Bethesda)
Physiol Rev
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
Phys Rev Lett
Phytother Res
Planta Med
Planta Medica
Plant Cell
Plant Cell Physiol
Plant Disease Reporter
Plant J
 PLoS Biol
PLoS Biol
PLoS Biology
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PLoS One
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B
Proceedings of the Seventh IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging
Proc. Fifth International Congress on Parasitology
Proc. Helminthological Society of Washington
Proc IEEE Comput Soc Bioinform Conf
Proc Natl Acad Sci
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
Proc. Society for Experimental Biology & Medicine
Prog Biophys Mol Biol
Prog Brain Res
Prog Mol Subcell Biol
Prog Neurobiol
Prog Nucleic Acid Res Mol Biol
Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics
Progress in Brain Research
Progress in Molecular & Subcellular Biology
Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids
Protein Engineering
Protein Expression and Purification
Protein Expression & Purification
Protein Expr Purif
Protein Pept Lett
Protein Sci
Protein Science
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics
Przegl Dermatol
Psychological Review
Psychopharmacology Bulletin
Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica de Napoli:Secion Ii:History & Philosophy
Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science
Quarterly Review of Biology
Radiat Environ Biophys
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom
Recent Developments in Cell Research
Recent Progress in Hormone Research
Receptors and Channels
Receptors & Channels
Redox Cell Biology and Genetics
Redox Rep
Redox Report
Reprod Biomed Online
Reprod Toxicol
Reproductive Biology of Invertebrates
Reproductive Toxicology
Research Communications in Alcohol & Substances of Abuse
Research Communications in Chemical Pathology & Pharmacology
Research Communications in Molecular Pathology & Pharmacology
Research in Microbiology
Research Resources Reporter (DHHS)
Res Microbiol
Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation.
Results Probl Cell Differ
Rev Iberoam Micol
Review of Biological Research in Aging
Review of Scientific Instruments
Rev Sci Instrum
Revue de Nematologie
Revue de Zoologie Agricole et de Pathologie Vegetale
Revue Neurologique
Rivista Di Biologia Biology Forum
RNA Biol
Roux's Archives of Developmental Biology
Russian Journal of Nematology
Sci aging knowledge environ
Sci Aging Knowledge Environ
Sci Am
Sci China C Life Sci
Science of Aging Knowledge Environment
Science's Stke: Signal Transduction Knowledge Environment
Scientific American
Sci Prog
Sci Signal
Sci Total Environ
SEB Exp Biol Ser
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Seminars in Developmental Biology
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Sheng Li Ke Xue Jin Zhan
Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao
Sheng Wu Hua Xue Yu Sheng Wu Wu Li Xue Bao (Shanghai)
Soil Biology & Biochemistry
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Stadler Genetics Symposium
Stain Technology
Structure (Camb)
Studies of History & Philosophy of Science
Subcell Biochem
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Symp Soc Exp Biol
Systematic Biology
Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso
Technical Bulletin Min. Agric. London
Technol Cancer Res Treat
Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis
The Journal of Antibiotics
The Journal of NIH Research
The Journal of Supercomputing
The Lancet
The New Biologist
The New York Times
Theor Appl Genet
Theoretical Computer Science
The Scientific World
The Scientist
"The Testis: From Stell Cell to Sperm Function". E Goldberg (ed).  Springer-Verlag, New York.
Tissue Cell
Tissue & Cell
Toll and Toll-Like Receptors: An Immunologic Perspective. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publications, New York, NY.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol
Toxicol Lett
Toxicol Mech Methods
Toxicological Sciences
Toxicologic Pathology
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
Toxicology and Industrial Health
Toxicology Letters
Toxicol Sci
Trace Elements and Electrolytes
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society
Transduction Channels in Sensory Cells(eds. Frings, S. & Bradley, J)
Transgenic Research
Trends Biochem Sci
Trends Biotechnol
Trends Cell Biol
Trends Endocrinol Metab
Trends Genet
Trends in Biochemical Sciences
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Trends in Biotechnology Supp
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Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism
Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism
Trends in Genetics
Trends In Genetics  Genetic Nomenclature Guide
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology
Trends in Glycosciences and Glycotechnology
Trends in Glycosylation
Trends in Immunology
Trends in Microbiology
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Trends in Parasitology
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences
Trends Microbiol
Trends Mol Med
 Trends Neurosci
Trends Neurosci
Trends Parasitol
Trends Pharmacol Sci
Trends Plant Sci
Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
Uchenye Zapiski Kazan.
UK SMA Conference in Edinburgh
US News World Rep
Veterinary Parasitology
Vet Immunol Immunopathol
Vet J
Vet Parasitol
Virchows Arch
Water Air and Soil Pollution
Water Res
West Coast Worm Meeting
Wiad Parazytol
Wilderness Environ Med
Wissenschaftlechen Filmen, Sekt. Biol.
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Ernst-Moritz . . .
World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology
Worm Breeder's Gazette
Worm Breeders Gazette
Yakugaku Zasshi
Yao Xue Xue Bao
Yi Chuan
Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao
Zeitschrift fur Morphologie und Oekologie der Tiere
Zeitschrift fur Versuchstierkunde
Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol
Zh Obshch Biol
Zhongguo Ji Sheng Chong Xue Yu Ji Sheng Chong Bing Za Zhi
Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi
Zhonghua Gan Zang Bing Za Zhi
Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi
Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao
Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii
Z Naturforsch [C]
Zool. Jb. Syst. Bd.
Zoological Science
Zoologica Magazine
Zoologica Stuttgart
Zoologische Jahrbucher - Abt. Sys. Oekol. Geo. Tiere
Zoologische Jahrbucher - Abt. Zool. Phys. der Tiere
Zoologischer Anzeiger
Zoolog Sci
Zoology-Analysis of Complex Systems
Zoology (Jena)