January 12, 2010

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item 1 - Interaction Display
Multiple Effector/Effected

item 2 - Using the NEW Ontology Annotator for Interactions


item 1 - Interaction Display

Additional changes to the web display that we spoke about at our Interaction Working group meeting include: (see https://bitbucket.org/tharris/wormbase/issue/471/changes-to-interaction-displays-on-wb)

  1. Showing all effector and effected genes on the Interaction summary page (currently only two shown)
  2. Showing all effector and effected genes on the Interaction Summary page.
on this list mys-4 remains in the interactor 1 column and lin-15B should be added to the interactor 2 column ....so it would read "lin-15A, lin-15B"....comma separated.

item 2 - Using the NEW Ontology Annotator for Interactions
  1. We went over the use of the Interaction OA -