Development workflow - webdev

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This page describes the development model used by the web development team at WormBase using git. This includes our branching strategy and release management.


Git Workflow - WormBase1.png

Editable version of the diagram

Branch Strategy

Main branches

Inside the WormBase/website repository, there are three main branches: master, dev and production.

  • master: current, stable code. All new changes brought into master have been tested on and approved by either the curator requesting the change, or the lead developer.
  • dev: any features/changes ready for testing should be pushed to the dev branch. This code gets pushed nightly to
  • production: the code currently in production. Branched off of master at each release.

Supporting branches

feature branches


Commits to dev

Merging dev to master

Release Management

Example Workflow

New Feature

New Feature (Large)

Hotfix to production

New production release
